Source code for jube.substitute

# JUBE Benchmarking Environment
# Copyright (C) 2008-2024
# Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich Supercomputing Centre
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Substitution related classes"""

from __future__ import (print_function,

import os
import re
import jube.util.util
import jube.util.output
import jube.conf
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import jube.log
import shutil
import codecs

LOGGER = jube.log.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Substituteset(object): """A Substituteset contains all information""" def __init__(self, name, file_data, substitute_dict): self._name = name self._files = file_data self._substitute_dict = substitute_dict @property def name(self): """Return name of Substituteset""" return self._name @property def files(self): """Return iofiles""" return self._files @property def subs(self): """Return subs""" return self._substitute_dict
[docs] def update_files(self, file_data): """Update iofiles""" outfiles = set([data[0] for data in self._files]) for data in file_data: if (data[2] == "a") or (data[0] not in outfiles): self._files.append(data) elif (data[2] == "w"): self._files = [fdat for fdat in self._files if fdat[0] != data[0]] self._files.append(data)
[docs] def update_substitute(self, substitute_dict): """Update substitute_dict""" self._substitute_dict.update(substitute_dict)
[docs] def substitute(self, parameter_dict=None, work_dir=None): """Do substitution. The work_dir can be set to a given context path. The parameter_dict used for inline substitution of destination-variables.""" if work_dir is None: work_dir = "" # Do pre-substitution of source and destination-variables if parameter_dict is not None: substitute_dict = dict() for name, sub in self._substitute_dict.items(): new_source = jube.util.util.substitution(sub.source, parameter_dict) new_dest = jube.util.util.substitution(sub.dest, parameter_dict) substitute_dict[new_source] = Sub(new_source, sub.mode, new_dest) else: substitute_dict = self._substitute_dict # Do file substitution for data in self._files: outfile_name = data[0] infile_name = data[1] out_mode = data[2] infile = jube.util.util.substitution(infile_name, parameter_dict) outfile = jube.util.util.substitution(outfile_name, parameter_dict) LOGGER.debug(" substitute {0} -> {1}".format(infile, outfile)) LOGGER.debug(" substitute:\n" + jube.util.output.text_table( [("source", "dest")] + [(sub.source, sub.dest) for sub in substitute_dict.values()], use_header_line=True, indent=9, align_right=False)) if not jube.conf.DEBUG_MODE: infile = os.path.join(work_dir, infile) outfile = os.path.join(work_dir, outfile) # Check not existing files if not (os.path.exists(infile) and os.path.isfile(infile)): raise RuntimeError(("File \"{0}\" not found while " "running substitution").format(infile)) # Read in-file file_handle =, "r", "utf-8") text = file_handle.close() # Substitute for name, sub in substitute_dict.items(): if sub.mode == "text": text = text.replace(sub.source, sub.dest) else: text = re.sub(sub.source, sub.dest, text) # Write out-file file_handle =, out_mode, "utf-8") file_handle.write(text) file_handle.close() if infile != outfile: shutil.copymode(infile, outfile)
[docs] def etree_repr(self): """Return etree object representation""" substituteset_etree = ET.Element("substituteset") substituteset_etree.attrib["name"] = self._name for data in self._files: iofile_etree = ET.SubElement(substituteset_etree, "iofile") iofile_etree.attrib["in"] = data[1] iofile_etree.attrib["out"] = data[0] iofile_etree.attrib["out_mode"] = data[2] for name, sub in self._substitute_dict.items(): sub_etree = ET.SubElement(substituteset_etree, "sub") sub_etree.attrib["source"] = sub.source sub_etree.attrib["mode"] = sub.mode sub_etree.text = sub.dest return substituteset_etree
def __repr__(self): return "Substitute({0})".format(self.__dict__)
[docs]class Sub(object): def __init__(self, source, sub_mode, dest): self._source = source self._mode = sub_mode self._dest = dest @property def source(self): """Return source of Sub""" return self._source @property def mode(self): """Return type of Sub""" return self._mode @property def dest(self): """Return dest of Sub""" return self._dest def __eq__(self, other): return self._source == other.source def __hash__(self): return hash(self._source)