Command line documentation

Here you will find a list of all available JUBE command line options. You can also use:

jube -h

to get a list of all available commands.

Because of the shell parsing mechanism take care if you write your optional arguments after the command name before the positional arguments. You must use -- to split the ending of an optional (if the optional argument takes multiple input elements) and the start of the positional argument.

When using BASH you can use the jube complete mechanism to enable a command line autocompletion.


General commandline options (can also be used in front of a subcommand)

jube [-h] [-V] [-v] [--debug] [--force] [--strict] [--devel] {...}
-h, --help

show general help information

-V, --version

show version information

-v, --verbose

enable verbose console output (use -vv to show stdout during execution and -vvv to show log and stdout)


use debugging mode (no shell script execution)


ignore any JUBE version conflict


force strict JUBE version check


developer mode (show complete error messages)


Run a new benchmark.

1jube run [-h] [--only-bench ONLY_BENCH [ONLY_BENCH ...]]
2         [--not-bench NOT_BENCH [NOT_BENCH ...]] [-t TAG [TAG ...]]
3         [--hide-animation] [--include-path INCLUDE_PATH [INCLUDE_PATH ...]]
4         [-o OUTPATH] [-a] [-r] [-e]
5         [-m COMMENT] [--id ID [ID ...]] FILE [FILE ...]
-h, --help

show command help information

--only-bench ONLY_BENCH [ONLY_BENCH ...]

only run specific benchmarks given by benchmark name

--not-bench NOT_BENCH [NOT_BENCH ...]]

do not run specific benchmarks given by benchmark name

-t TAG [TAG ...], --tag TAG [TAG ...]

use specific tags when running this file. This will be used for tagging


hide the progress bar animation (if you want to use JUBE inside a scripting environment)

--include-path INCLUDE_PATH [INCLUDE_PATH ...]

add additional include paths where to search for include files

-a, --analyse

run analyse after finishing run command

-r, --result

run result after finishing run command (this will also start analyse)

-e, --exit

run will exit if there is an error

-m COMMENT, --comment COMMENT

overwrite benchmark specific comment

-o OUTPATH, --outpath OUTPATH

overwrite outpath directory (relative to the execution location)

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

use specific benchmark id (must be >= 0)


input XML file


Continue an existing benchmark.

jube continue [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [--hide-animation] [-a] [-r] [-e] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used


hide the progress bar animation (if you want to use JUBE inside a scripting environment)

-a, --analyse

run analyse after finishing run command

-r, --result

run result after finishing run command (this will also start analyse)

-e, --exit

run will exit if there is an error


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Run the analyse procedure.

jube analyse [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-u UPDATE_FILE]
             [--include-path INCLUDE_PATH [INCLUDE_PATH ...]]
             [-t TAG [TAG ...]] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used


use given input XML file to update patternsets, analyser and result before running the analyse

--include-path INCLUDE_PATH [INCLUDE_PATH ...]

add additional include paths where to search for include files (when using --update)

-t TAG [TAG ...], --tag TAG [TAG ...]

use specific tags when running this file. This will be used for tagging (when using --update)


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Run the result creation.

jube result [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-a] [-r] [-u UPDATE_FILE] [-n NUM]
            [-s {pretty,csv,aligned}] [--include-path INCLUDE_PATH [INCLUDE_PATH ...]]
            [-t TAG [TAG ...]] [-o RESULT_NAME [RESULT_NAME ...]]
            [--select SELECT [SELECT ...]] [--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used

-a, --analyse

run analyse before running result command

-r, --reverse

reverse benchmark output order when multiple benchmarks are given

-n, --num

show only last N benchmarks


use given input XML file to update patternsets, analyser and result before running the analyse

-s {pretty,csv,aligned}, --style {pretty,csv,aligned}

overwrites table style type

--include-path INCLUDE_PATH [INCLUDE_PATH ...]

add additional include paths where to search for include files (when using --update)

-t TAG [TAG ...], --tag TAG [TAG ...]

use specific tags when running this file. This will be used for tagging (when using --update)


only create specific results given by name

--select SELECT [SELECT ...]

display only given columns from the result (changes also the output to the result file)

--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]

excludes given columns from the result (changes also the output to the result file)


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Shows path and content of the stdout and stderr files of the given benchmark.

jube output [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-s STEP [STEP ...]] [-w WORKPACKAGE [WORKPACKAGE ...]]
            [-d] [-o {stdout,stderr}] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used

-s STEP [STEP ...], --step STEP [STEP ...]

show filenames for given step


show filenames for given workpackages id

-d, --display

display content of output file

-o {stdout,stderr}, --only {stdout,stderr}

show only stdour or stderr


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Add or manipulate the benchmark comment.

jube comment [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-a] comment [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used

-a, --append

append new comment instead of overwrite existing one


new comment


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Remove an existing benchmark

jube remove [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-w WORKPACKAGE [WORKPACKAGE ...]] [-f] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used


specifc workpackage id to be removed

-f, --force

do not prompt


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Get benchmark specific information

jube info [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-s STEP [STEP ...]] [-p] [-c [SEPARATOR]] [-w WORKPACKAGE [WORKPACKAGE ...]] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

show benchmark specific information

-s STEP [STEP ...], --step STEP [STEP ...]

show step specific information

-c [SEPARATOR], --csv-parametrization [SEPARATOR]

display only parametrization of given step using csv format, csv separator is optional

-p, --parametrization

display only parametrization of given step


show workpackage specific information by given id


show directory specific information


Show logs for benchmark

jube log [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [-c COMMAND [COMMAND ...]] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used

-c COMMAND [COMMAND ...], --command COMMAND [COMMAND ...]

show only logs for specified commands


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Show benchmark status RUNNING or FINISHED.

jube status [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [DIRECTORY]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used


directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Show tags description

jube tag [-h] [-i ID [ID ...]] [PATH]
-h, --help

show command help information

-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]

select benchmark id, negative ids count backwards from the end; default: last found benchmark inside the benchmark directory; special ids all or last can be used


path to input file or directory which contains benchmarks, default: .


Generate shell completion. Usage: eval "$(jube complete)"

jube complete [-h] [--command-name COMMAND_NAME]
-h, --help

show command help information

--command-name COMMAND_NAME, -c COMMAND_NAME

name of command to be complete, default: program name which was used to run the complete command


Command help

jube help [-h] [command]
-h, --help

show command help information


command to get help about


Check JUBE version

jube update [-h]
-h, --help

show command help information