

Analyse an existing benchmark. The analyser will scan through all files given inside the configuration by using the given patternsets.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


The analyser describe the steps and files which should be scanned using a set of pattern.

<analyser name="..." reduce="...">
  <use from="">...</use>
  <analyse step="...">
    <file use="">...</file>
  • you can use different patternsets to analyse a set of files

  • only patternsets are usable

  • using patternsets <use>set1,set2</use> is the same as <use>set1</use><use>set2</use>

  • the from-attribute is optional and can be used to specify an external set source

  • any name must be unique, it is not allowed to reuse a set

  • the step-attribute contains an existing stepname

  • each file using each workpackage will be scanned seperatly

  • the use argument inside the <file> tag is optional and can be used to specify a file specific patternset;

    • the global <use> and this local use will be combined and evaluated at the same time

    • a from subargument is not possible in this local use

  • reduce is optional (default: true )

    • true : Combine result lines if iteration-option is used

    • false : Create single line for each iteration


The main benchmark definition

<benchmark name="..." outpath="...">
  • container for all benchmark information

  • benchmark-name must be unique inside input file

  • outpath contains the path to the root folder for benchmark runs

    • multiple benchmarks can use the same folder

    • every benchmark and every (new) run will create a new folder (named by an unique benchmark id) inside this given outpath

    • the path will be relative to input file location


Specify combination of tags that must be set.

  • The combination is set using boolean algebra.

  • For the logical operation ‘conjunction’, i.e. ‘and’, the sign + is used. Example: tag1 + tag2 means that both tags must be set.

  • For the logical operation ‘disjunction’, i.e. ‘or’, the character | is used. Example: tag1 | tag2 means that one of the two or both tags must be set.

  • For the logical operation ‘exclusive disjunction’, i.e. ‘xor’, the character ^ is used. Example: tag1 ^ tag2 means that one of the two (not both!) tags must be set.

  • In addition, the character ! can be used for the logical operation ‘negation’, i.e. ‘not’. Example: !tag1 means that the tag tag1 must not be set.


A line within a ASCII result table. The <column>-tag can contain the name of a pattern or the name of a parameter.

<column colw="..." format="..." title="...">...</column>
  • colw is optional: column width

  • title is optional: column title

  • format can contain a C like format string: e.g. format=".2f"


Add or manipulate the comment string.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


Add a benchmark specific comment. These comment will be stored inside the benchmark directory.


Generate shell completion.


Continue an existing benchmark. Not finished steps will be continued, if they are leaving pending mode.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


A copy can be used to copy a file or directory from your normal filesytem to your sandbox work directory.

<copy source_dir="..." target_dir="..." name="..." rel_path_ref="..." separator="..." active="...">...</copy>
  • source_dir is optional, will be used as a prefix for the source filenames

  • target_dir is optional, will be used as a prefix for the target filenames

  • name is optional, it can be used to rename the file inside your work directory (will be ignored if you use shell extensions in your pathname)

  • rel_path_ref is optional

    • external or internal can be chosen, default: external

    • external: rel.-paths based on position of xml-file

    • internal: rel.-paths based on current work directory (e.g. to link files of another step)

  • active is optional

    • can be set to true or false or any Python parsable bool expression to enable or disable the single command

    • parameter are allowed inside this attribute

  • each copy-tag can contain a list of filenames (or directories), separated by ,, the default separator can be changed by using the separator attribute

    • if name is present, the lists must have the same length

  • you can copy all files inside a directory by using directory/*

    • this cannot be mixed using name

  • in the execution step the given files or directories will be copied


Create sqlite3 database

<database name="..." primekeys="..." file="..." filter="...">
  <key title="..." primekey="...">...</key>
  • name: name of the table in the database

  • Unlike the result table, the unit attribute of a parameter or pattern is not taken into account.

  • primekeys is optional: can contain a list of parameter or pattern names (separated by ,). Given parameters or patterns will be used as primary keys of the database table. All primekeys have to be listed as a <key> as well and if the title attribute of a key is set, then the value of the title attribute must be used in the primekeys attribute (and not the parameter or pattern name). Modification of primary keys of an existing table is not supported. If no primekeys are set then each jube result will add new rows to the database. Otherwise rows with matching primekeys will be updated. Important note: The use of the ``database`` attribute ``primekeys`` is deprecated and will be removed soon. Instead, use the ``primekey`` attribute of the ``key``.

  • file is optional. The given value should hold the full path to the database file. If the file including the path does not exists it will be created. Absolute and relative paths are supported.

  • filter is optional. It can contain a bool expression to show only specific result entries.

  • <key> can be specified in the database result and must contain an single parameter or pattern name.

    • title is optional: alternative key title. Used to define a custom database column name.

    • primekey is optional: If primekey is set to true, the key is added to the database primekeys. (default: false) The primekeys attribute of the database-tag is deprecated and will be removed.

  • every (new) benchmark run will create its own directory structure

  • every single workpackage will create its own directory structure

  • user can add files (or links) to the workpackage dir, but the real position in filesystem will be seen as a blackbox

  • general directory structure:

    benchmark_runs (given by "outpath" in xml-file)
    +- 000000 (determined through benchmark-id)
       +- 000000_compile (step: just an example, can be arbitrary chosen)
          +- work (user environment)
          +- done (workpackage finished information file)
          +- ...  (more jube internal information files)
       +- 000001_execute
          +- work
             +- compile -> ../../000000_compile/work (automatic generated link for depending step)
          +- wp_done_00 (single "do" finished, but not the whole workpackage)
          +- ...
       +- 000002_execute
       +- result (result data)
       +- configuration.xml (benchmark configuration information file)
       +- workpackages.xml (workpackage graph information file)
       +- analyse.xml (analyse data)
    +- 000001 (determined through benchmark-id)
       +- 000000_compile (step: just an example, can be arbitrary chosen)
       +- 000001_execute
       +- 000002_postprocessing

A do contain a executable Shell operation.

<do stdout="..." stderr="..." active="...">...</do>
<do done_file="..." error_file="...">...</do>
<do break_file="...">...</do>
<do shared="true">...</do>
<do work_dir="...">...</do>
  • do can contain any Shell-syntax-snippet (parameter will be replaced ... $nameofparameter ...)

  • stdout- and stderr-filename are optional (default: stdout and stderr)

  • work_dir is optional, it can be used to change the work directory of this single command (relativly seen towards the original work directory)

  • active is optional

    • can be set to true or false or any Python parsable bool expression to enable or disable the single command

    • parameter are allowed inside this attribute

  • done_file-filename and error_file are optional

    • by using done_file the user can mark async-steps. The operation will stop until the script will create the named file inside the work directory.

    • by using error_file the operation will produce a error if the named file can be found inside the work directory. This feature can be used together with the done_file to signalise broken async-steps.

  • break_file-filename is optional

    • by using break_file the user can stop further cycle runs. the current step will be directly marked with finalized and further <do> will be ignored.

  • shared="true"

    • can be used inside a step using a shared folder

    • cmd will be executed inside the shared folder

    • cmd will run once (synchronize all workpackages)

    • $jube_wp_... - parameter cannot be used inside the shared command


A fileset is a container to store a bundle of links and copy commands.

<fileset name="..." init_with="...">
  • init_with is optional

    • if the given filepath can be found inside of the JUBE_INCLUDE_PATH and if it contains a fileset using the given name, all link and copy will be copied to the local set

    • the name of the external set can differ to the local one by using init-with="filename.xml:external_name"

  • link and copy can be mixed within one fileset (or left)

  • filesets can be used inside the step-command

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Basic top level JUBE structure -->
  <!-- optional additional include paths -->
  <!-- optional benchmark selection -->
  <!-- optional must-have tag specification -->
  <!-- global sets -->
  <parameterset name="">...</parameterset>
  <substitutionset name="">...</substitutionset>
  <fileset name="">...</fileset>
  <patternset name="">...</patternset>
  <benchmark name="" outpath="">
    <!-- optional benchmark comment -->
    <!-- local benchmark parametersets -->
    <parameterset name="">...</parameterset>
    <!-- files, which should be used -->
    <fileset name="">...</fileset>
    <!-- substitution rules -->
    <substituteset name="">...</substituteset>
    <!-- pattern -->
    <patternset name="">...</patternset>
    <!-- commands -->
    <step name="">...</step>
    <!-- analyse -->
    <analyser name="">...</analyser>
    <!-- result -->
# optional additional include paths

# optional benchmark selection
  only: ...
  not: ...
  tag: ...

# optional must-have tag specification

# global sets

benchmark: # can be skipped if only a single benchmark is handled
  - name: ...
    outpath: ...
    # optional benchmark comment
    comment: ...

    # local sets

    # commands


Add some include paths where to search for include files.

  • the additional path will be scanned for include files


Include XML-data from an external file.

<include from="..." path="..." />
  • <include> can be used to include an external XML-structure into the current file

  • can be used at every position (inside the <jube>-tag)

  • path is optional and can be used to give an alternative xml-path inside the include-file (default: root-node)


Show info for the given benchmark directory, a given benchmark or a specific step.

If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


A iofile declare the name (and path) of a file used for substitution.

<iofile in="..." out="..." out_mode="..." />
  • in and out filepath are relative to the current work directory for every single step (not relative to the path of the inputfile)

  • in and out can be the same

  • out_mode is optional, can be w or a (default: w)

    • w : out-file will be overridden

    • a : out-file will be appended


List of available jube pattern:

  • $jube_pat_int: integer number

  • $jube_pat_nint: integer number, skip

  • $jube_pat_fp: floating point number

  • $jube_pat_nfp: floating point number, skip

  • $jube_pat_wrd: word

  • $jube_pat_nwrd: word, skip

  • $jube_pat_bl: blank space (variable length), skip


List of available jube variables:

  • Benchmark:

    • $jube_benchmark_name: current benchmark name

    • $jube_benchmark_id: current benchmark id

    • $jube_benchmark_padid: current benchmark id with preceding zeros

    • $jube_benchmark_home: original input file location

    • $jube_benchmark_rundir: main benchmark specific execution directory

    • $jube_benchmark_start: benchmark starting time

  • Step:

    • $jube_step_name: current step name

    • $jube_step_iterations: number of step iterations (default: 1)

    • $jube_step_cycles: number of step cycles (default: 1)

  • Workpackage:

    • $jube_wp_id: current workpackage id

    • $jube_wp_padid: current workpackage id with preceding zeros

    • $jube_wp_status: current workpackage status [RUNNING, DONE, ERROR]

    • $jube_wp_iteration: current iteration number (default: 0)

    • $jube_wp_parent_<parent_name>_id: workpackage id of selected parent step

    • $jube_wp_relpath: relative path to workpackage work directory (relative towards configuration file)

    • $jube_wp_abspath: absolute path to workpackage work directory

    • $jube_wp_envstr: a string containing all exported parameter in shell syntax:

      export par=$par
      export par2=$par2
    • $jube_wp_envlist: list of all exported parameter names

    • $jube_wp_cycle: id of current step cycle (starts at 0)

A link can be used to create a symbolic link from your sandbox work directory to a file or directory inside your normal filesystem.

<link source_dir="..." target_dir="..." name="..." rel_path_ref="..." separator="..." active="...">...</link>
  • source_dir is optional, will be used as a prefix for the source filenames

  • target_dir is optional, will be used as a prefix for the target filenames

  • name is optional, it can be used to rename the file inside your work directory (will be ignored if you use shell extensions in your pathname)

  • rel_path_ref is optional

    • external or internal can be chosen, default: external

    • external: rel.-paths based on position of xml-file

    • internal: rel.-paths based on current work directory (e.g. to link files of another step)

  • active is optional

    • can be set to true or false or any Python parsable bool expression to enable or disable the single command

    • parameter are allowed inside this attribute

  • each link-tag can contain a list of filenames (or directories), separated by ,, the default separator can be changed by using the separator attribute

    • if name is present, the lists must have the same length

  • in the execution step the given files or directories will be linked


Show logs for the given benchmark directory or a given benchmark.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


Shows path and content of the stdout and stderr files of the given benchmark.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in will be used.


The parameter space for a specific benchmark run is the bundle of all possible parameter combinations. E.g. there are to different parameter: a = 1,2 and b= “p”,”q” then you will get four different parameter combinations: a=1, b="p"; a=1, b="q"; a=2, b="p"; a=2, b="q".

The parameter space of a specific step will be one of these parameter combinations. To fulfill all combinations the step will be executed multible times (each time using a new combination). The specific combination of a step and an expanded parameter space is named workpackage.


A parameter can be used to store benchmark configuration data. A set of different parameters will create a specific parameter environment (also called parameter space) for the different steps of the benchmark.

<parameter name="..." mode="..." type="..." separator="..." export="..." unit="..." update_mode="..." duplicate="...">...</parameter>
  • a parameter can be seen as variable: Name is the name to use the variable, and the text between the tags will be the real content

  • name must be unique inside the given parameterset

  • type is optional (only used for sorting, default: string)

  • mode is optional (used for script-types, default: text)

  • separator is optional, default: ,

  • export is optional, if set to true the parameter will be exported to the shell environment when using <do>

  • unit is optional, will be used in the result table

  • if the text contains the given (or the implicit) separator, a template will be created

  • use of another parameter:

    • inside the parameter definition, a parameter can be reused: ... $nameofparameter ...

    • the parameter will be replaced multiple times (to handle complex parameter structures; max: 5 times)

    • the substitution will be run before the execution step starts with the current parameter space. Only parameters reachable in this step will be usable for substitution!

  • Scripting modes allowed:

    • mode="python": allow Python snippets (using eval <cmd>)

    • mode="perl": allow Perl snippets (using perl -e "print <cmd>")

    • mode="shell": allow Shell snippets

    • mode="env": include the content of an available environment variable

    • mode="tag": include the tag name if the tag was set during execution, otherwise the content is empty

  • Templates can be created, using scripting e.g.: ",".join([str(2**i) for i in range(3)])

  • update_mode is optional (default: never)

    • can be set to never, use, step, cycle and always

    • depending on the setting the parameter will be reevaluated:

      • never: no reevaluation, even if the parameterset is used multiple times

      • use: reevaluation if the parameterset is explicitly used

      • step: reevaluation in each new step

      • cycle: reevaluation in each cycle, but not at the begin of a new step (number of workpackages will stay unchanged)

      • always: reevaluation in each step and cycle

  • duplicate is optional and of relevance, if there are more than one parameter definitions with the same name within one parameterset. This duplicate option has higher priority than the duplicte option of the parameterset. duplicate must contain one of the following four options:

    • none (default): The duplicate option of the parameterset is prioritized

    • replace: Parameters with the same name are overwritten

    • concat: Parameters with the same name are concatenated

    • error: Throws an error, if parameters with the same name are defined


A parameterset is a container to store a bundle of parameters.

<parameterset name="..." init_with="..." duplicate="...">
  • parameterset-name must be unique (cannot be reused inside substitutionsets or filesets)

  • init_with is optional

    • if the given filepath can be found inside of the JUBE_INCLUDE_PATH and if it contains a parameterset using the given name, all parameters will be copied to the local set

    • local parameters will overwrite imported parameters

    • the name of the external set can differ to the local one by using init-with="filename.xml:external_name"

  • parametersets can be used inside the step-command

  • parametersets can be combined inside the step-tag, but they must be compatible:

    • Two parametersets are compatible if the parameter intersection (given by the parameter-name), only contains parameter based on the same definition

    • These two sets are compatible:

      <parameterset name="set1">
        <parameter name="test">1,2,4</parameter>
        <parameter name="test2">foo</parameter>
      <parameterset name="set2">
        <parameter name="test">1,2,4</parameter>
        <parameter name="test3">bar</parameter>
    • These two sets are not compatible:

      <parameterset name="set1">
        <parameter name="test">1,2,4</parameter>
        <parameter name="test2">foo</parameter>
      <parameterset name="set2">
        <parameter name="test">2</parameter> <!-- Template in set1 -->
        <parameter name="test2">bar</parameter> <!-- Other content in set2 -->
  • duplicate is optional and of relevance, if there are more than one parameter definitions with the same name within one parameterset. This duplicate option has lower priority than the duplicte option of the parameters. duplicate must contain one of the following three options:

    • replace (default): Parameters with the same name are overwritten

    • concat: Parameters with the same name are concatenated

    • error: Throws an error, if parameters with the same name are defined


A pattern is used to parse your output files and create your result data.

<pattern name="..." default="..." unit="..." mode="..." type="..." dotall="...">...</pattern>
  • unit is optional, will be used in the result table

  • mode is optional, allowed modes:

    • pattern: a regular expression (default)

    • text: simple text and variable concatenation

    • perl: snippet evaluation (using Perl)

    • python: snippet evaluation (using Python)

    • shell: snippet evaluation (using Shell)

  • type is optional, specify datatype (for sort operation)

    • default: string

    • allowed: int, float or string

  • default is optional: Specify default value if pattern cannot be found or if it cannot be evaluated

  • dotall is optional (default: false): Can be set to true or false to specify if a . within the regular expression should also match newline characters, which can be very helpfull to extract a line only after a specific header was mentioned.


A patternset is a container to store a bundle of patterns.

<patternset name="..." init_with="...">
  • patternset-name must be unique

  • init_with is optional

    • if the given filepath can be found inside of the JUBE_INCLUDE_PATH and if it contains a patternset using the given name, all pattern will be copied to the local set

    • local pattern will overwrite imported pattern

    • the name of the external set can differ to the local one by using init-with="filename.xml:external_name"

  • patternsets can be used inside the analyser tag

  • different sets, which are used inside the same analyser, must be compatible


The prepare can contain any Shell command you want. It will be executed like a normal <do> inside the step where the corresponding fileset is used. The only difference towards the normal do is, that it will be executed before the substitution will be executed.

<prepare stdout="..." stderr="..." work_dir="..." active="...">...</prepare>
  • stdout- and stderr-filename are optional (default: stdout and stderr)

  • work_dir is optional, it can be used to change the work directory of this single command (relativly seen towards the original work directory)

  • active is optional

    • can be set to true or false or any Python parsable bool expression to enable or disable the single command

    • parameter are allowed inside this attribute


The given benchmark will be removed.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be removed.

Only the JUBE internal directory structure will be deleted. External files and directories will stay unchanged.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


Create a result table.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If multiple benchmarks are selected (e.g. by using --id all), a combined result view of all available benchmarks in the given directory will be created. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


The result tag is used to handle different visualisation types of your analysed data.

<result result_dir="...">
  • result_dir is optional. Here you can specify an different output directory. Inside of this directory a subfolder named by the current benchmark id will be created. Default: benchmark_dir/result

  • only analyser are usable

  • using analyser <use>set1,set2</use> is the same as <use>set1</use><use>set2</use>


Start a new benchmark run by parsing the given JUBE input file.


Specify tags or select benchmarks by name.

  • multiple <tag> are allowed to specify tags (see tagging)

  • select or unselect a benchmark by name

  • only selected benchmarks will run (when using the run command)

  • multiple <only> and <not> are allowed

  • <only> and <not> can contain a name list divided by ,


If there are multiple pattern matches within one file, multiple files or when using multiple iterations. JUBE will create some statistical values automatically:

  • first: first match (default)

  • last: last match

  • min: min value

  • max: max value

  • avg: average value

  • std: standard deviation

  • sum: sum

  • cnt: counter

These variabels can be accessed within the the result creation or to create derived pattern by variable_name_<statistic_option> e.g. ${nodes_min}

The variable name itself always matches the first match.


Show status string (RUNNING or FINISHED) for the given benchmark.

If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used. If benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used.


A step give a list of Shell operations and a corresponding parameter environment.

<step name="..." depend="..." work_dir="..." suffix="..." shared="..." active="..."
      export="..." max_async="..." iterations="..." cycles="..." procs="..." do_log_file="...">
  <use from="">...</use>
  • parametersets, filesets and substitutionsets are usable

  • using sets <use>set1,set2</use> is the same as <use>set1</use><use>set2</use>

  • parameter can be used inside the <use>-tag

  • the from attribute is optional and can be used to specify an external set source

  • any name must be unique, it is not allowed to reuse a set

  • depend is optional and can contain a list of other step names which must be executed before the current step

  • max_async is optional and can contain a number (or a parameter) which describe how many workpackages can be executed asynchronously (default: 0 means no limitation). This option is only important if a do inside the step contains a done_file attribute and should be executed in the background (or managed by a jobsystem). In this case JUBE will manage that there will not be to many instances at the same time. To update the benchmark and start further instances, if the first ones were finished, the continue command must be used.

  • work_dir is optional and can be used to switch to an alternative work directory

    • the user had to handle uniqueness of this directory by his own

    • no automatic parent/children link creation

  • suffix is optional and can contain a string (parameters are allowed) which will be attached to the default workpackage directory name

  • active is optional

    • can be set to true or false or any Python parsable bool expression to enable or disable the single command

    • parameter are allowed inside this attribute

  • shared is optional and can be used to create a shared folder which can be accessed by all workpackages based on this step

    • a link, named by the attribute content, is used to access the shared folder

    • the shared folder link will not be automatically created in an alternative working directory!

  • export="true"

    • the environment of the current step will be exported to an dependent step

  • iterations is optional. All workpackages within this step will be executed multiple times if the iterations value is used.

  • cycles is optional. All <do> commands within the step will be executed cycles-times

  • procs is optional. Amount of processes used to execute the parameter expansions of the corresponding step in parallel.

  • do_log_file is optional. Name or path of a do log file trying to mimick the do steps and the environment of a workpacakge of a step to produce an executable script.


A substition expression.

<sub source="..." dest="..." mode="..."/>
  • source-string will be replaced by dest-string

  • both can contain parameter: ... $nameofparameter ...

  • mode is optional (default: text). Can be used to switch between text and regex substitution


A substituteset is a container to store a bundle of sub commands.

<substituteset name="..." init_with="...">
  • init_with is optional

    • if the given filepath can be found inside of the JUBE_INCLUDE_PATH and if it contains a substituteset using the given name, all iofile and sub will be copied to the local set

    • local iofile will overwrite imported ones based on out, local sub will overwrite imported ones based on source

    • the name of the external set can differ to the local one by using init-with="filename.xml:external_name"

  • substitutesets can be used inside the step-command


A syslog result type

<syslog name="..." address="..." host="..." port="..." sort="..." format="..." filter="...">
  <key format="..." title="...">...</key>
  • Syslog deamon can be given by a host and port combination (default port: 541) or by a socket address e.g.: /dev/log (mixing of host and address is not allowed)

  • format is optional: can contain a log format written in a pythonic way (default: jube[%(process)s]: %(message)s)

  • sort is optional: can contain a list of parameter- or patternnames (separated by ,). Given patterntype or parametertype will be used for sorting

  • filter is optional, it can contain a bool expression to show only specific result entries

  • <key> can be specified in the syslog result and must contain an single parameter or pattern name.

    • format can contain a C like format string: e.g. format=".2f"

    • title is optional: alternative key title.

  • Unlike the result table, the unit attribute of a parameter or pattern is not taken into account.


A simple ASCII based table ouput.

<table name="..." style="..." sort="..." separator="..." transpose="..." filter="...">
  • style is optional; allowed styles: csv, pretty, aligned; default: csv

  • separator is optional; only used in csv-style, default: ,

  • sort is optional: can contain a list of parameter- or patternnames (separated by ,). Given patterntype or parametertype will be used for sorting

  • <column> must contain an single parameter- or patternname

  • transpose is optional (default: false)

  • filter is optional, it can contain a bool expression to show only specific result entries


Show tag description for the given input file, the given benchmark directory or a specific benchmark.

If path to input file or benchmark directory is missing, current directory will be used. If no benchmark id is given, last benchmark found in directory will be used.


Tagging is a simple way to mark parts of your input file to be includable or excludable.

  • Every available <tag> (not the root <jube>-tag) can contain a tag-attribute

  • The tag-attribute can contain a list of names: tag="a,b,c" or “not” names: tag="a,!b,c"

  • When running JUBE, multiple tags can be send to the input-file parser:

    jube run <filename> --tag a b
    • <tags> which does not contain one of these names will be hidden inside the include file

    • <tags> which does not contain any tag-attribute will stay inside the include file

  • “not” tags are more important than normal tags: tag="a,!b,c" and running with a b will hide the <tag> because the !b is more important than the a


Specify tag description and combination of tags that must be set.

<tags forced="...">
  <tag name="...">...</tag>
  • forced is optional, if it is set to true, you will be forced to describe every possible tag. (default: false)

  • multiple <check_tags> and <tag> are allowed

  • In the <tag>, you can write a description for the tag with the given name.


Parameter and Pattern allow a type specification. This type is either used for sorting within the result table and is also used to validate the parameter content. The types are not used to convert parameter values, e.g. a floating value will stay unchanged when used in any other context even if the type int was specified.

allowed types are:

  • string (this is also the default type)

  • int

  • float


Check if a newer JUBE version is available.


The update mode is parameter attribute which can be used to control the reevaluation of the parameter content.

These update modes are available:

  • never: no reevaluation, even if the parameterset is used multiple times

  • use: reevaluation if the parameterset is explicitly used

  • step: reevaluation in each new step

  • cycle: reevaluation in each cycle, but not at the begin of a new step (number of workpackages will stay unchanged)

  • always: reevaluation in each step and cycle


A workpackage is the combination of a step (which contains all operations) and one parameter setting out of the expanded parameter space.

Every workpackage will run inside its own sandbox directory!