Known Issues on JUDAC
This page collects known issues affecting JUDAC’s system and application software.
The following list of known issue is intended to provide a quick reference for users experiencing problems on JUDAC. We strongly encourage all users to report the occurrence of problems, whether listed below or not, to the user support.
Open Issues
Conda Disabled
Added: 2024-11-02
Affects: All HPC systems
Description: Usage of the Conda default channel might not be allowed. Access to the channel is blocked on the systems.
Status: Closed.
Workaround/Suggested Action: Use an alternative channel (conda-forge) or even an alternative, faster client (mamba). See the dedicated description.
Cannot connect using old OpenSSH clients
Added: 2020-06-15
Affects: All systems at JSC
Description: In response to the recent security incident, the SSH server on JUDAC has been configured to only use modern cryptography algorithms. As a side effect, it is no longer possible to connect to JUDAC using older SSH clients. For OpenSSH, at least version 6.7 released in 2014 is required. Some operating systems with very long term support ship with older versions, e.g. RHEL 6 ships with OpenSSH 5.3.
Status: Won’t fix.
Workaround/Suggested Action:
Use a more recent SSH client with support for the newer cryptography algorithms.
If you cannot update the OpenSSH client (e.g. because you are not the administrator of the system you are trying to connect from) you can
install your own version of OpenSSH from
Logging in from a different system with a newer SSH client is another option.
If you have to transfer data from a system with an old SSH client to JUDAC (e.g. using scp
) you may have to transfer the data
to a third system with a newer SSH client first (scp
’s command line option -3
can be used to automate this).