Cube Tools Guide  (CubeLib 4.8.2, revision f48dbd0f)
Description of Cube Command Line Tools
Cube Command Line Tools


CUBE provides a set of various command line tools for different purposes.

Performance Algebra and Tools

As performance tuning of parallel applications usually involves multiple experiments to compare the effects of certain optimization strategies, CUBE offers a mechanism called performance algebra that can be used to merge, subtract, and average the data from different experiments and view the results in the form of a single ``derived'' experiment. Using the same representation for derived experiments and original experiments provides access to the derived behavior based on familiar metaphors and tools in addition to an arbitrary and easy composition of operations. The algebra is an ideal tool to verify and locate performance improvements and degradations likewise. The algebra includes three operators—diff, merge, and mean—provided as command-line utilities which take two or more CUBE files as input and generate another CUBE file as output. The operations are closed in the sense that the operators can be applied to the results of previous operations. Note that although all operators are defined for any valid CUBE data sets, not all possible operations make actually sense. For example, whereas it can be very helpful to compare two versions of the same code, computing the difference between entirely different programs is unlikely to yield any useful results.


Changing a program can alter its performance behavior. Altering the performance behavior means that different results are achieved for different metrics. Some might increase while others might decrease. Some might rise in certain parts of the program only, while they drop off in other parts. Finding the reason for a gain or loss in overall performance often requires considering the performance change as a multidimensional structure. With CUBE's difference operator, a user can view this structure by computing the difference between two experiments and rendering the derived result experiment like an original one. The difference operator takes two experiments and computes a derived experiment whose severity function reflects the difference between the minuend's severity and the subtrahend's severity.

The possible output is presented below.

user@host: cube_diff scout.cube remapped.cube -o result.cube
Reading scout.cube ... done.
Reading remapped.cube ... done.
++++++++++++ Diff operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
INFO::Merging metric dimension... done.
INFO::Merging program dimension... done.
INFO::Merging system dimension... done.
INFO::Mapping severities... done.
INFO::Adding topologies...
        Topology retained in experiment.
INFO::Diff operation... done.
++++++++++++ Diff operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
Writing result.cube ... done.
cube_diff [-o output] [-c|-C] [-h] <minuend> <subtrahend>
Name of the output file (default: diff.cube)
Reduce system dimension, if experiments are incompatible.
Collapse system dimension! Overrides option -c.
Help; Output a brief help message.


The merge operator's purpose is the integration of performance data from different sources. Often a certain combination of performance metrics cannot be measured during a single run. For example, certain combinations of hardware events cannot be counted simultaneously due to hardware resource limits. Or the combination of performance metrics requires using different monitoring tools that cannot be deployed during the same run. The merge operator takes an arbitrary number of CUBE experiments with a different or overlapping set of metrics and yields a derived CUBE experiment with a joint set of metrics.

The possible output is presented below.

user@host: cube_merge scout.cube remapped.cube -o result.cube
++++++++++++ Merge operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Reading scout.cube ... done.
Reading remapped.cube ... done.
INFO::Merging metric dimension... done.
INFO::Merging program dimension... done.
INFO::Merging system dimension... done.
INFO::Mapping severities... done.
INFO::Merge operation...
        Topology retained in experiment.

        Topology retained in experiment.
++++++++++++ Merge operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
Writing result.cube ... done.
cube_merge [-o output] [-c] [-C] [-h] <cube experiment>
Name of the output file (default: merge.cube)
Reduce dimension, if experiments are incompatible
Collapse system dimension!
Help; Output a brief help message.


The mean operator is intended to smooth the effects of random errors introduced by unrelated system activity during an experiment or to summarize across a range of execution parameters. You can conduct several experiments and create a single average experiment from the whole series. The mean operator takes an arbitrary number of arguments.

The possible output is presented below.

user@host: cube_mean scout1.cube scout2.cube scout3.cube scout4.cube -o mean.cube
++++++++++++ Mean operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Reading scout1.cube ... done.
INFO::Merging metric dimension... done.
INFO::Merging program dimension... done.
INFO::Merging system dimension... done.
INFO::Mapping severities... done.
INFO::Adding topologies... done.
INFO::Mean operation... done.
Reading scout2.cube ... done.
INFO::Merging metric dimension... done.
INFO::Merging program dimension... done.
INFO::Merging system dimension... done.
INFO::Mapping severities... done.
INFO::Adding topologies... done.
INFO::Mean operation... done.
Reading scout3.cube ... done.
INFO::Merging metric dimension... done.
INFO::Merging program dimension... done.
INFO::Merging system dimension... done.
INFO::Mapping severities... done.
INFO::Adding topologies... done.
INFO::Mean operation... done.
Reading scout4.cube ... done.
INFO::Merging metric dimension... done.
INFO::Merging program dimension... done.
INFO::Merging system dimension... done.
INFO::Mapping severities... done.
INFO::Adding topologies... done.
INFO::Mean operation... done.
++++++++++++ Mean operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
Writing mean.cube ... done.
cube_mean [-o output] [-c] [-C] [-h] <cube experiment>
Name of the output file (default: mean.cube)
Do not collapse system dimension, if experiments are incompatible
Collapse system dimension
Help; Output a brief help message.


Compares two experiments and prints out if they are equal or not. Two experiments are equal if they have same dimensions hierarchy and the equal values of the severities.

An example of the output is below.

user@host: cube_cmp remapped.cube scout1.cube
Reading remapped.cube ... done.
Reading scout1.cube ... done.
++++++++++++ Compare operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Experiments are not equal.
+++++++++++++ Compare operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
cube_cmp [-h] <cube experiment 1> <cube experiment 2>
Help; Output a brief help message.

Cube Remapping tool

CUBE provides an universal flexible tool, which allows to transform metric tree of an input .cubex into an arbitrary metric hierarchy according to user defined flexible rules. This can be used by performance analysis tools, such as Score-P or Scalasca. In particularly one classifies different call paths according to some user defined rules.

As well one can use this tool to convert derived metrics into the data (if possible) or to add an additional metric into the current .cubex file.

Tool Usage

./cube_remap2 -r <remap specification file> [-o output] [-d] [-s] [-h] <cube experiment>
Name of the remapping specification file. By omitting this option the specification file from the cube experiment is taken if present.
Create output file with the same structure as an input file. It overrides option "-r"
Name of the output file (default: remap)
Convert all prederived metrics into usual metrics, calculate and store their values as a data.
Add hardcoded SCALASCA metrics "Idle threads" and "Limited parallelizm"
Help; Output a brief help message.

Remapping algorithm

The main idea behind the working way of the remapping tool is simple: user formulates the target hierarchy of the metrics in an external file (.spec) and defines rules how they are calculated using CubePL syntax. Remapping tool creates then an output cube with this metric hierarchy.

In particularly remapping tool performs following steps:

  1. Is command-line option -c specified, remapping tool works in "Copy" mode: it creates output cube with identical metrics hierarhy. One combines it usual with the options -d and -s. Otherwise...
  2. Is command-line option -r omit, remapping tool looks for the .spec file within the input .cubex file. Score-P starting with version v5 stores its .spec file within profile.cubex. Otherwise...
  3. Is command-line option -r specified, remapping tools looks for .spec file and creates the new (working) cube object with the metric hierarchy as metric dimension specified in .spec file
  4. Then it merges metric hierarchy of the input file into the current metric hierarchy. All metrics from the input file which present in .spec hierarchy gets mapped to them. All missing metrics will be added as additional metrics.
  5. Is the command-line option -s specified, tool adds additional SCALASCA metrics "Idle threads" and "Limited parallelism"
  6. Other dimensions and elements of the input .cubex file (topologies, mirrors and similar) get merged into the new cube object one-to-one (as the freshly created cube object doesn't have any)
  7. If the command-line option -d is omit, remapping tool saves created cube on disk as it is. All derived metrics in .spec file will stay as derived metrics and will be executed only while working with the stored .cubex file in GUI or with command-line tools.
  8. Did user specified command-line option -d, the second phase of the remapping is executed: calculation of derived metrics and converting them into the data. Note, that no all metrics are convertible (such as rates or similar) into data and should stay derived in the target file. To do so remapping tool creates an additional cube object with the identical structure (only convertible derived metrics are turned into the regular data metrics) of the intermediate working cube and copies metric-by-metric its data. As result, derived metrics are calculated and their value is stored as a data into the target cube.
  9. Resulting cube object is saved on disk.

As one can see user can use remapping tool for different purposes:

  1. Convert derived metrics of the current .cubex file into the data metrics. For that it is enough to execube remapping tool as:
         ./cube_remap2 -d <input>
  2. Add an additional derived metric into the current .cubex cube
  3. Create a new .cubex with the user specified metrics hierarchy. (standard usage)

Syntax of a .spec file

Examples for .spec files are shipped with the CUBE package ans stored in the directory [prefix]/share/doc/cubelib/examples

Here we provide some commented examples of .spec files.

  1. In first case we add an additional metric IPC into the cube file

    1 <metrics>
    2  <metric type="POSTDERIVED" convertible="false">
    3  <disp_name>IPC, ipc</disp_name>
    4  <uniq_name>ipc</uniq_name>
    5  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    6  <uom></uom>
    7  <descr>Value of IPC (instructions per cycle),
    8  computed as PAPI_TOT_INS() / PAPI_TOT_CYC()
    9  </descr>
    10  <cubepl>
    11  metric::PAPI_TOT_INS() / metric::PAPI_TOT_CYC()
    12  </cubepl>
    13  </metric>
    14 </metrics>

    Here the whole hierarchy consist of only one metric IPC, which is "non convertible" into data as it is a POSTDERIVED metric and usual aggregation rules are not applicable. This metric has a data type FLOAT and requires, that input file contains metrics PAPI_TOT_CYC and PAPI_TOT_INS. Otherwise this metric will be always evaluated to 0.

  2. In second case we add two sub metrics to the metric "Time", in order to classify time spend in "MPI" regions and "Other"

    1 <metrics>
    2  <metric>
    3  <!-- This metric is copied from the trace analysis -->
    4  <disp_name>Time</disp_name>
    5  <uniq_name>time</uniq_name>
    6  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    7  <uom>sec</uom>
    8  <url>@mirror@scalasca_patterns-2.1.html#time</url>
    9  <descr>Total CPU allocation time
    10  (includes time allocated for idle threads)
    11  </descr>
    12  <metric type="PREDERIVED_EXCLUSIVE">
    13  <disp_name>MPI regions</disp_name>
    14  <uniq_name>mpiregions</uniq_name>
    15  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    16  <uom>sec</uom>
    17  <url></url>
    18  <descr> Time spend in MPI regions </descr>
    19  <cubepl>
    20  {
    21  ${a}=0;
    22  if (${cube::region::name}[${calculation::region::id}] =~ /^MPI_/)
    23  {
    24  ${a}=metric::time();
    25  };
    26  return ${a};
    27  }
    28  </cubepl>
    29  </metric>
    30  <metric type="PREDERIVED_EXCLUSIVE">
    31  <disp_name>Other regions</disp_name>
    32  <uniq_name>nonmpi</uniq_name>
    33  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    34  <uom>sec</uom>
    35  <url></url>
    36  <descr>Time spend in non-MPI regions</descr>
    37  <cubepl>
    38  {
    39  ${a}=0;
    40  if (not(${cube::region::name}[${calculation::region::id}] =~ /^MPI_/))
    41  {
    42  ${a}=metric::time();
    43  };
    44  return ${a};
    45  }
    46  </cubepl>
    47  </metric>
    48  </metric>
    49 </metrics>

    Here target hierarchy consist of the top metric "Time" and two sub metrics "MPI regions" and "Other regions". Clearly that they both will sum up to the total "Time" metric. Hence one expects that expanded metric "Time" will be always zero. Note that sub metrics are defined as PREDERIVED_EXCLUSIVE as their value is valid only for the one call path and not their children.

  3. In third case we would like to split the time metric into two metrics and to hide the metric itself. For that we declare it as "GHOST" metric and declare sub metrics as root metrics.
    1 <metrics>
    2  <metric viztype="GHOST">
    3  <!-- This metric is copied from the trace analysis -->
    4  <disp_name>Time</disp_name>
    5  <uniq_name>time</uniq_name>
    6  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    7  <uom>sec</uom>
    8  <url>@mirror@scalasca_patterns-2.1.html#time</url>
    9  <descr>Total CPU allocation time
    10  (includes time allocated for idle threads)
    11  </descr>
    12  </metric>
    13  <metric type="PREDERIVED_EXCLUSIVE">
    14  <disp_name>MPI regions</disp_name>
    15  <uniq_name>mpiregions</uniq_name>
    16  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    17  <uom>sec</uom>
    18  <url></url>
    19  <descr> Time spend in MPI regions </descr>
    20  <cubepl>
    21  {
    22  ${a}=0;
    23  if (${cube::region::name}[${calculation::region::id}] =~ /^MPI_/)
    24  {
    25  ${a}=metric::time();
    26  };
    27  return ${a};
    28  }
    29  </cubepl>
    30  </metric>
    31  <metric type="PREDERIVED_EXCLUSIVE">
    32  <disp_name>Other regions</disp_name>
    33  <uniq_name>nonmpi</uniq_name>
    34  <dtype>FLOAT</dtype>
    35  <uom>sec</uom>
    36  <url></url>
    37  <descr>Time spend in non-MPI regions</descr>
    38  <cubepl>
    39  {
    40  ${a}=0;
    41  if (not(${cube::region::name}[${calculation::region::id}] =~ /^MPI_/))
    42  {
    43  ${a}=metric::time();
    44  };
    45  return ${a};
    46  }
    47  </cubepl>
    48  </metric>
    49 </metrics>
    As result, the target .cubex file will have only two new root metrics, "MPI regions" and "Other regions". Metric "Time" will be not visible in GUI and command line tools.

Optimization of the remapping.

As remapping process is defined in very general way, naive approach in .spec file formulation might take significant calculation time. Using advanced technics in CubePL one can optimize remapping process. For example one can:

Great example of usage of the optimization technics are the .spec files provided with Score-P or Scalasca.

Supplementary utilities and helping Cube command line tools

Besides of the remapping utility and the algebra tools CUBE provides various tool for different testing, checking, inspection tasks.

Cube Server cube_server

This tool starts a server and provide cube reports "as they are" for clients without needing to copy them to the client machine. The cube_server performs also all required calculations, so one uses computational power of the HPC system and not of the client system (which might be unsufficient).

user@host:  cube_server
[12044] Cube Server: CubeLib-4.7.0 (e15c4008) [POSIX]
cube_server [options]
-h, -?
Print this help message.
-p N
Bind socket on port N (default port: 3300)

Many hosts don't allow ports to be accessed from the outside. You may use SSH tunneling (also referred to as SSH port forwarding) to route the local network traffic throught SSH to the remote host.
In the following example, cube_server is started with the default port 3300 on the remote server The traffic, which is sent to localhost:3000, will be forwarded to on the same port.

[client]$ ssh -L
[]$ cube_server
Cube Server: CubeLib-4.7.0 (external) [POSIX]
cube_server[5247] Waiting for connections on port 3300.

Sanity Check

This tool performs series of checks to confirm that stored data has a semantic sense, e.g. "non-negative time" and similar. It is being used as a correctness tool for the Score-P and Scalasca measurements.

user@host:  cube_sanity  profile.cubex
Name not empty or UNKNOWN ... 71 / 71 OK
  No ANONYMOUS functions ... 71 / 71 OK
  No TRUNCATED functions ... 71 / 71 OK
  File name not empty ... 71 / 71 OK
    Proper line numbers ... 0 / 71 OK
  No TRACING outside Init and Finalize ... 123 / 123 OK
No negative inclusive metrics ... 409344 / 440832 OK
No negative exclusive metrics ... 409344 / 440832 OK
cube_sanity [ flags ] <cube experiment>
Help; Output a brief help message.
Disables the (time consuming) check for negative inclusive metric values.
Disables the (time consuming) check for negative exclusive metric values.
Disables checks for line numbers.
-f <file.filt>
Checks whether a node's name is matched by a pattern in file.filt.
-o <output_file>
Path of the output file. If no output file is given, detailed output will be suppressed. A summary will always be printed out to stdout.
-v <0|1|2|3>
Verbosity level of output

Insertion of of derived metric into the .cubex

One small tool, which does nothing but adding an additional user-defined derived metric into the input .cubex file. Functionality of this tool is provided by remapping tool Cube Remapping tool tool as well, but from historical reasons we still deliver this tool.

 user@host:  cube_derive -t postderived -r exclusive -e "metric::time()/metric::visits(e)" -p root kenobi  profile.cubex  -o result.cubex

 user@host:  cube_dump -m kenobi -c 0 -t aggr -z incl   result.cubex
 ===================== DATA ===================
Print out the data of the metric kenobi

             All threads
MAIN__(id=0) 1389.06
cube_derive [-h] [-t prederived|postderived ] -r exclusive|inclusive -e <cubepl expression> -p <parent_metric> <targetmetric> <cube experiment> [-o <output experiment>]
Help; Output a brief help message.
-t prederived|postderived
Specifies, whether derived metric is PREDERIVED or POSTDERIVED
-r exclusive|inclusive
Specifies, whether derived metric is EXCLUSIVE or INCLUSIVE (has no effect for POSTDERIVED metrics)
CubePL expression of the derived metric
New metric will be added as a child of this metric. "root" is possible
Name of the created metric. It should not clash with the existing metric.
Name of the input file
Name of the output file. Default "derived.cubex"

Inspection of a call tree

A small tool to inspect aggregated values in call tree of a specific metric. Functionality of this tool is reproduced in one ot another way by cube_dump Dump utiluty.

user@host:cube_calltree -m time -a -t 1 -i -p -c    ~/Studies/Cube/Adviser/4n_256_/scorep_casino_1n_256x1_sum_br/profile.cubex
Reading /home/zam/psaviank/Studies/Cube/Adviser/4n_256_/scorep_casino_1n_256x1_sum_br/profile.cubex... done.
355599 (100%)                   MAIN__                                                   USR:/MAIN__
353588 (99.435%)                  + monte_carlo_                                         USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_
8941.95 (2.515%)                  |   + monte_carlo_IP_read_wave_function_               USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_read_wave_function_
5980.68 (1.682%)                  |   |   + MPI_Bcast                                    USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_read_wave_function_/MPI_Bcast
343175 (96.506%)                  |   + monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_                          USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_
4657.85 (1.31%)                   |   |   + MPI_Ssend                                    USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/MPI_Ssend
303193 (85.263%)                  |   |   + dmcdmc_main.move_config_                     USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_
21668.4 (6.093%)                  |   |   |   + wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_                   USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_
19722.3 (5.546%)                  |   |   |   |   + pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_            USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_/pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
28878.5 (8.121%)                  |   |   |   + wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_                     USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_
6907.92 (1.943%)                  |   |   |   |   + slater.wfn_ratio_slater_             USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_/slater.wfn_ratio_slater_
19721.7 (5.546%)                  |   |   |   |   + pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_            USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_/pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
241626 (67.949%)                  |   |   |   + energy_utils.eval_local_energy_          USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_
20785.6 (5.845%)                  |   |   |   |   + wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_               USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_
20298.1 (5.708%)                  |   |   |   |   |   + pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_        USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_/pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
211484 (59.473%)                  |   |   |   |   + non_local.calc_nl_projection_        USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/non_local.calc_nl_projection_
208516 (58.638%)                  |   |   |   |   |   + wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_             USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/non_local.calc_nl_projection_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_
8588.87 (2.415%)                  |   |   |   |   |   |   + slater.wfn_ratio_slater_     USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/non_local.calc_nl_projection_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_/slater.wfn_ratio_slater_
176779 (49.713%)                  |   |   |   |   |   |   + pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_    USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/non_local.calc_nl_projection_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_/pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
14252.4 (4.008%)                  |   |   |   |   |   |   + scratch.get_eevecs1_ch_      USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/dmcdmc_main.move_config_/energy_utils.eval_local_energy_/non_local.calc_nl_projection_/wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_/scratch.get_eevecs1_ch_
34390.8 (9.671%)                  |   |   + parallel.qmpi_reduce_d1_                     USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/parallel.qmpi_reduce_d1_
34384.3 (9.669%)                  |   |   |   + MPI_Reduce                               USR:/MAIN__/monte_carlo_/monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_/parallel.qmpi_reduce_d1_/MPI_Reduce
cube_calltree -a -m metricname -t threashold -c -i -u -h [-f] filename
-m metricname
print out values for the metric <metricname>;
annotate call path;
-t treashold
print out only call path with a value, which is larger than <treashold>% of the total metric value. 0<=treashold<=100;
calculate inclusive values instead of exclusive.
open <filename>;
diplay percent value;
diplay callpath for every region;
display this help.

System tree partition

Is one interested on performance profile of a PART of the system, e.g. only nodeplane 0, or ranks from 0 to N, one can set other locations to VOID and create a .cubex file, which has only data for the remaining part.

Partition some of system tree (processes) and void the remainder

user@host:cube_part -R 0-3,5 profile.cubex
Open the cube profile.cubex...done.
Copy the  cube object...done.
++++++++++++ Part operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Voiding 251 of 256 processes.
++++++++++++ Part operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
Writing part ... done.
cube_part [-h] [-I] [-R ranks] [-o output] <cubefile>
Invert sense of partition
List of process ranks for partition (e.g., "0-3,7,13-")
Name of the output file (default: part)
Help; Show this brief help message and exit.

Region information

This tool displays a flat profile for the selected metrics and with the classification of regions. Similar functionality is provide by the tool Dump

Short call displays an overview across types of regions.

user@host:cube_regioninfo -m time,visits profile.cubex
 bl  type          time       %        visits       % region
      ANY        355599  100.00     664724749  100.00 (summary) ALL
      MPI             0    0.00             0    0.00 (summary) MPI
      USR        355599  100.00     664724749  100.00 (summary) USR
      COM             0    0.00             0    0.00 (summary) COM

If one wants a detailed view of the flat profile, one uses -r command line option. Note that can provide list of regions for filtering (file filter.txt)

user@host:cube_regioninfo -l filter.txt -m time,visits -r profile.cubex
 bl  type          time       %        visits       % region
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MEASUREMENT OFF
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 TRACE BUFFER FLUSH
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 THREADS
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Accumulate
      USR            68    0.02          6912    0.00 MPI_Allgather
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Allgatherv
      USR            10    0.00           256    0.00 MPI_Allreduce
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Alltoall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Alltoallv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Alltoallw
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Attr_delete
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Attr_get
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Attr_put
      USR          2843    0.80          7168    0.00 MPI_Barrier
      USR          6392    1.80         51072    0.01 MPI_Bcast
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Bsend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Bsend_init
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Buffer_attach
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Buffer_detach
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cancel
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_coords
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_get
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_map
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_rank
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_shift
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cart_sub
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Cartdim_get
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_call_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_compare
      USR           113    0.03          1792    0.00 MPI_Comm_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_create_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_create_group
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_create_keyval
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_delete_attr
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_dup
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_dup_with_info
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_free
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_free_keyval
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_get_attr
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_get_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_get_info
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_get_name
      USR             0    0.00          1024    0.00 MPI_Comm_group
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_idup
      USR             0    0.00           512    0.00 MPI_Comm_rank
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_remote_group
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_remote_size
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_set_attr
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_set_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_set_info
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_set_name
      USR             0    0.00           512    0.00 MPI_Comm_size
      USR            55    0.02           256    0.00 MPI_Comm_split
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_split_type
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Comm_test_inter
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Compare_and_swap
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Dims_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Dist_graph_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Exscan
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Fetch_and_op
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_c2f
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_call_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_close
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_create_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_delete
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_f2c
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_amode
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_atomicity
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_byte_offset
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_group
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_info
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_position
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_position_shared
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_size
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_type_extent
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_get_view
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iread
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iread_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iread_at
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iread_at_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iread_shared
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iwrite
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iwrite_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iwrite_at
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iwrite_at_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_iwrite_shared
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_open
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_preallocate
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_all_begin
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_all_end
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_at
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_at_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_at_all_begin
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_at_all_end
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_ordered
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_ordered_begin
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_ordered_end
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_read_shared
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_seek
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_seek_shared
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_set_atomicity
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_set_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_set_info
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_set_size
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_set_view
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_sync
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_all_begin
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_all_end
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_at
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_at_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_at_all_begin
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_at_all_end
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_ordered
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_ordered_begin
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_ordered_end
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_File_write_shared
      USR           349    0.10           256    0.00 MPI_Finalize
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Finalized
      USR             0    0.00            25    0.00 MPI_Gather
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Gatherv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Get
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Get_accumulate
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Get_library_version
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Graph_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Graph_get
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Graph_map
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Graph_neighbors
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Graph_neighbors_count
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Graphdims_get
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_compare
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_difference
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_excl
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_free
      USR             0    0.00          1792    0.00 MPI_Group_incl
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_intersection
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_range_excl
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_range_incl
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_rank
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_size
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_translate_ranks
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Group_union
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iallgather
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iallgatherv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iallreduce
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ialltoall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ialltoallv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ialltoallw
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ibarrier
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ibcast
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ibsend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iexscan
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Igather
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Igatherv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Improbe
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Imrecv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ineighbor_allgather
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw
      USR          1411    0.40           256    0.00 MPI_Init
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Init_thread
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Initialized
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Intercomm_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Intercomm_merge
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iprobe
      USR             0    0.00         14337    0.00 MPI_Irecv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ireduce
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ireduce_scatter
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Irsend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Is_thread_main
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iscan
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iscatter
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Iscatterv
      USR             1    0.00         14337    0.00 MPI_Isend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Issend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Keyval_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Keyval_free
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Mprobe
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Mrecv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Neighbor_allgather
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Neighbor_alltoall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Probe
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Put
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Query_thread
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Raccumulate
      USR           302    0.08         24728    0.00 MPI_Recv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Recv_init
      USR         34384    9.67          6400    0.00 MPI_Reduce
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Reduce_local
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Reduce_scatter
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Reduce_scatter_block
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Register_datarep
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Request_free
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Rget
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Rget_accumulate
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Rput
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Rsend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Rsend_init
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Scan
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Scatter
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Scatterv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Send
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Send_init
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Sendrecv
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Sendrecv_replace
      USR          4695    1.32         24728    0.00 MPI_Ssend
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Ssend_init
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Start
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Startall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Test
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Test_cancelled
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Testall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Testany
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Testsome
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Topo_test
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Wait
      USR             0    0.00          2982    0.00 MPI_Waitall
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Waitany
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Waitsome
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_allocate
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_allocate_shared
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_attach
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_call_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_complete
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_create
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_create_dynamic
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_create_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_create_keyval
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_delete_attr
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_detach
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_fence
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_flush
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_flush_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_flush_local
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_flush_local_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_free
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_free_keyval
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_get_attr
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_get_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_get_group
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_get_info
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_get_name
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_lock
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_lock_all
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_post
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_set_attr
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_set_errhandler
      USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_set_info
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_set_name
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_shared_query
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_start
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_sync
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_test
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_unlock
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_unlock_all
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 MPI_Win_wait
 *    USR             0    0.00             0    0.00 PARALLEL
 *    USR           155    0.04           256    0.00 MAIN__
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 get_nnpsmp_
 *    USR             1    0.00        126669    0.02 run_control.check_alloc_
 *    USR             8    0.00           256    0.00 get_smp_list_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 set_shm_numablock
 *    USR           401    0.11           256    0.00 monte_carlo_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_set_defaults_
 *    USR           124    0.03           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_set_input_parameters_
 *    USR            10    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_read_particles_
 *    USR             3    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_read_custom_spindep_
 *    USR             6    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_assign_spin_deps_
 *    USR             2    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_check_input_parameters_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_input_setup_
 *    USR             0    0.00             1    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_print_input_parameters_
 *    USR             0    0.00            62    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_wout_iparam_
 *    USR             0    0.00             1    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_print_particles_
 *    USR           107    0.03           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_read_wave_function_
 *    USR             2    0.00           256    0.00 alloc_shm_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 alloc_shm_sysv
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_flag_missing_dets_
 *    USR             0    0.00             1    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_check_wave_function_
 *    USR            36    0.01           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_calculate_geometry_
 *    USR            27    0.01           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_read_pseudopotentials_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_geometry_printout_
 *    USR             1    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_orbital_setup_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_check_orbital_derivatives_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_setup_expectation_values_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_setup_interactions_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_check_nn_
 *    USR            98    0.03           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_read_jastrow_function_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_read_backflow_
 *    USR             8    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_init_vcpp_
 *    USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_print_part_title_
 *    USR           281    0.08           256    0.00 monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_
 *    USR         11021    3.10         25041    0.00 dmcdmc_main.move_config_
      USR          2434    0.68      45059225    6.78 wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_
      USR        236521   66.51     175964383   26.47 pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
      USR          9886    2.78     144014658   21.67 wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_
      USR         15497    4.36     144014658   21.67 slater.wfn_ratio_slater_
      USR         15512    4.36     144014658   21.67 scratch.get_eevecs1_ch_
      USR          9356    2.63         25041    0.00 energy_utils.eval_local_energy_
      USR          2967    0.83      11268450    1.70 non_local.calc_nl_projection_
      USR             7    0.00          6400    0.00 parallel.qmpi_reduce_d1_
      USR             0    0.00          6400    0.00 parallel.qmpi_bcast_d1_
      USR             0    0.00         12800    0.00 parallel.qmpi_bcast_d_
      USR            16    0.00          9382    0.00 dmc.branch_and_redist_
      USR            39    0.01          6144    0.00 dmc.branch_and_redist_send_
      USR             1    0.00          2982    0.00 dmc.branch_and_redist_recv_
      USR             4    0.00           256    0.00 dmc.branch_and_redist_sendrecv_
      USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 dealloc_shm_
      USR           445    0.13           256    0.00 dealloc_shm_sysv
      USR             0    0.00           256    0.00 clean_shm_

      ANY        355599  100.00     664724749  100.00 (summary) ALL
      MPI             0    0.00             0    0.00 (summary) MPI
      USR        355599  100.00     664724749  100.00 (summary) USR
      COM             0    0.00             0    0.00 (summary) COM
       BL         12291    3.46        159199    0.02 (summary) BL
      ANY        343308   96.54     664565550   99.98 (summary) ALL-BL
      MPI             0    0.00             0    0.00 (summary) MPI-BL
      USR        343308   96.54     664565550   99.98 (summary) USR-BL
      COM             0    0.00             0    0.00 (summary) COM-BL
cube_regioninfo [-l filename] [-m filename] [-h] [-s] cubefile
Help; Output this help message
be verbose, print info about any region
Specify a list of regions for the blacklist
Specify a list of metrics, the list has to be comma-seperated, no spaces allowed

Cube Information

Another tool which allows to examine performance data along the call tree with ability to filter accordingly to user defined criteria. Partially same functionality is implemented by Dump and call tree.

user@host: cube_info -t -m bytes_sent profile.cubex
|            Time |      bytes_sent | Diff-Calltree
|          355598 |     14204637004 |  * MAIN__
|            1411 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Init
|               0 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Comm_size
|               0 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Comm_rank
|               0 |               0 |  |  * get_nnpsmp_
|               0 |               0 |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              69 |          917504 |  |  * get_smp_list_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_rank
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_size
|               9 |          262144 |  |  |  * MPI_Allreduce
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * set_shm_numablock
|              27 |          655360 |  |  |  * MPI_Allgather
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_group
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Group_incl
|              25 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_create
|               0 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Comm_group
|               0 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Group_incl
|              24 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Comm_create
|          353588 |     14203719500 |  |  * monte_carlo_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_set_defaults_
|             142 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_set_input_parameters_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              10 |               0 |  |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_read_particles_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               3 |               0 |  |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_read_custom_spindep_
|               5 |               0 |  |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_assign_spin_deps_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|             174 |            1024 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_check_input_parameters_
|             172 |            1024 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_input_setup_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_print_input_parameters_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_wout_iparam_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_print_particles_
|              68 |           12288 |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_group
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Group_incl
|              23 |               0 |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_create
|            8941 |     12811606784 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_read_wave_function_
|            2792 |               0 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Barrier
|              55 |               0 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_split
|            5980 |     12811605760 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               5 |            1024 |  |  |  |  * alloc_shm_
|               4 |            1024 |  |  |  |  |  * alloc_shm_sysv
|               3 |            1024 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Barrier
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_flag_missing_dets_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_check_wave_function_
|              36 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_calculate_geometry_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              27 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_read_pseudopotentials_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_geometry_printout_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_orbital_setup_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_check_orbital_derivatives_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_setup_expectation_values_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_setup_interactions_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              46 |            2048 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_check_nn_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              46 |            2048 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|              97 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_read_jastrow_function_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_read_backflow_
|               7 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_init_vcpp_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_print_part_title_
|          343175 |      1392097356 |  |  |  * monte_carlo_IP_run_dmc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_group
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Group_incl
|              38 |               0 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Comm_create
|              64 |          747520 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|            4657 |        11140276 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Ssend
|          303193 |               0 |  |  |  |  * dmcdmc_main.move_config_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|           21668 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_
|           19722 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
|           28878 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_
|            6907 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * slater.wfn_ratio_slater_
|            1259 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * scratch.get_eevecs1_ch_
|           19721 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
|          241625 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * energy_utils.eval_local_energy_
|           20785 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * wfn_utils.wfn_loggrad_
|           20298 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  * pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
|          211483 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * non_local.calc_nl_projection_
|          208516 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  * wfn_utils.wfn_ratio_
|            8588 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  * slater.wfn_ratio_slater_
|          176779 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  * pjastrow.oneelec_jastrow_
|           14252 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  * scratch.get_eevecs1_ch_
|           34390 |          819200 |  |  |  |  * parallel.qmpi_reduce_d1_
|           34384 |          819200 |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Reduce
|              56 |               0 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Recv
|               0 |             800 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Gather
|              21 |          102400 |  |  |  |  * parallel.qmpi_bcast_d1_
|              21 |          102400 |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|              34 |          102400 |  |  |  |  * parallel.qmpi_bcast_d_
|              34 |          102400 |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Bcast
|             429 |      1378922616 |  |  |  |  * dmc.branch_and_redist_
|             379 |      1319421620 |  |  |  |  |  * dmc.branch_and_redist_send_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              25 |         6291456 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Allgather
|             230 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Recv
|              33 |          152036 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Ssend
|              50 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Barrier
|               0 |      1312978128 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Isend
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Irecv
|               1 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  * dmc.branch_and_redist_recv_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Waitall
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|              32 |        59500996 |  |  |  |  |  * dmc.branch_and_redist_sendrecv_
|               0 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * run_control.check_alloc_
|               8 |          262144 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Allgather
|              14 |               0 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Recv
|               4 |        59238852 |  |  |  |  |  |  * MPI_Ssend
|               6 |          262144 |  |  |  |  * MPI_Allgather
|             444 |               0 |  |  |  * dealloc_shm_
|             444 |               0 |  |  |  |  * dealloc_shm_sysv
|               0 |               0 |  |  * clean_shm_
|             348 |               0 |  |  * MPI_Finalize
cube_info [ flags ] <cube experiments>
Help; Output a brief help message.
Shows the metric "time" (inclusive, aggregated over all threads.)
Shows the metric "visits" (exclusive, aggregated over all threads.)
Shows the number of visitors for each Cnode, i.e. the number of threads that have a visits counter of 1 or higher.
-m met
Shows the metric described by the string met.
Lists all available metrics.
Shows some basic information about the cube file.
-a met,thrh
Checks whether a node's value for a certain metric is below a given threshold with respect to the node's absolute value. Affected nodes are aggregated to a single node and output of their children is suppressed.
-r met,thrh
Like –absolute, but based on a percentage of the root's value.
-x met,thrh
Like –absolute, but based on selecting most relevant children of a node at each level.

met must have the following form: unique_metric_name:[incl|excl]:process_number.thread_number It is allowed to omit anything except for the metric's unique name, so "time" would compute the inclusive time aggregated over all threads or "time:excl:2" would compute the exclusive time aggregated over all threads that belong to the process with the id 2.


With the tool cube_test one can perform various test on .cubex file such as range test on metric values and similar. This is used usually in the correctness tests of Score-P and SCALASCA.

cube_test [ flags ] <cube1> <cube2>
Help; Output a brief help message.
Help; Output a long help message.
Set the output file. If omitted, STDOUT is used.
-c tree1[,tree2]
Create a new copy of the tree "tree2" that is called "tree1". If "tree2" is omitted, "tree1" will be a copy of the "ALL"
-e metric[,tree]
Checks whether the metric described by the string "metric" is equal for all provided CUBE files and for all nodes of the tree "tree". If tree is omitted, all nodes are checked.
-s metric,type,tol[,tree]
Checks whether the metric described by the string "metric" is sufficiently similar for all CUBE files, according to the qualifiers type and "tol". "tol" specifies the tolerance which is given as a real number. The meaning of the tolerance value depends on the "type". "type" is either ABS or REL. If "type" is ABS than the nodes are similar if the difference between all values for that metric is below "tol". If "type" is REL than the nodes are similar if the difference between all values for that metric is below: $ \sum_{i=1}^n tol*v_i^m$ , where n is the number of CUBE files, i-th file and V is value of metric If "tree" is omitted, all nodes are checked.
-a metric,thrh[,tree]
Removes all nodes from the tree "tree" whose values are below "thrh" for the metric "metric". If tree is omitted, nodes are removed from the default tree ALL.
-r metric,thrh[,tree]
Removes all nodes from the tree "tree" whose values are below "thrh" percent of the sum of all roots values. "thrh" is supposed to be a value between 0 and 1. If "tree" is omitted, nodes are removed from the default tree ALL.
-x metric,thrh[,tree]
For each node of the tree tree we consider all children N of that node. Let vi be the value for the given metric and the node i in N. Then we select a maximal subset M (smaller than N) with the property $ \sum_{i \in N} v_i \, \le \, thrh \times \sum_{i \in M} v_i $ and remove all nodes from M. If tree is omitted, nodes are removed from the default tree ALL.
-v [0,1,2,3]
Verbosity level: 0 - silent, 1 - report only summary, 2 - report only errors, 3 - report status of all tests

WARNING: The order of the options matters.


With this tool user can convert all regions into canonical form, names into lower case, removing lines and filenames, in order to be able to compare measurements results.

Here is an example of execution

cube_canonize -p -m 10 -c -f -l  profile.cubex canonized.cubex

cube_dump -w profile.cubex
-------------------------- LIST OF REGIONS --------------------------
        MEASUREMENT OFF:MEASUREMENT OFF           ( id=0, -1, -1, paradigm=user, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        TRACE BUFFER FLUSH:TRACE BUFFER FLUSH           ( id=1, -1, -1, paradigm=measurement, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        THREADS:THREADS           ( id=2, -1, -1, paradigm=measurement, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=THREADS)
        MPI_Accumulate:MPI_Accumulate           ( id=3, -1, -1, paradigm=mpi, role=atomic, url=, descr=, mod=MPI)
        PARALLEL:PARALLEL           ( id=270, -1, -1, paradigm=mpi, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        MAIN__:MAIN__           ( id=271, -1, -1, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=/marconi/home/userexternal/izhukov0/work/pop/casino/CASINO/src/main.f90)
        get_nnpsmp_:get_nnpsmp_           ( id=272, -1, -1, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=/marconi/home/userexternal/izhukov0/work/pop/casino/CASINO/src/alloc_shm.c)
        run_control.check_alloc_:run_control.check_alloc_           ( id=273, -1, -1, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=/marconi/home/userexternal/izhukov0/work/pop/casino/CASINO/src/run_control.f90)
        get_smp_list_:get_smp_list_           ( id=274, -1, -1, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=/marconi/home/userexternal/izhukov0/work/pop/casino/CASINO/src/alloc_shm.c)
        set_shm_numablock:set_shm_numablock           ( id=275, -1, -1, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=/marconi/home/userexternal/izhukov0/work/pop/casino/CASINO/src/alloc_shm.c)
        monte_carlo_:monte_carlo_           ( id=276, -1, -1, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=/marconi/home/userexternal/izhukov0/work/pop/casino/CASINO/src/monte_carlo.f90)

cube_dump -w canonized.cubex
        -------------------------- LIST OF REGIONS --------------------------
        off:MEASUREMENT OFF           ( id=0, 0, 0, paradigm=user, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        flush:TRACE BUFFER FLUSH           ( id=1, 0, 0, paradigm=measurement, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        threads:THREADS           ( id=2, 0, 0, paradigm=measurement, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        mpi_accumu:MPI_Accumulate           ( id=3, 0, 0, paradigm=mpi, role=atomic, url=, descr=, mod=)
        parallel:PARALLEL           ( id=270, 0, 0, paradigm=mpi, role=artificial, url=, descr=, mod=)
        main:MAIN__           ( id=271, 0, 0, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=)
        get_nnpsmp:get_nnpsmp_           ( id=272, 0, 0, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=)
        run_contro:run_control.check_alloc_           ( id=273, 0, 0, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=)
        get_smp_li:get_smp_list_           ( id=274, 0, 0, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=)
        set_shm_nu:set_shm_numablock           ( id=275, 0, 0, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=)
        monte_carl:monte_carlo_           ( id=276, 0, 0, paradigm=compiler, role=function, url=, descr=, mod=)
cube_canonize [ flags ] <input> <output>
Print this help
Use PDT format
-m <num>
Maximum length
Lower case
Remove file names
Remove line numbers


CUBE files may contain more data in the definition part than absolutely necessary. The cube_clean utility creates a new CUBE file with an identical structure as the input experiment, but with the definition part cleaned up.

An example of the output is presented below.

user@host: cube_clean remapped.cube -o cleaned.cube
++++++++++++ Clean operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Reading remapped.cube ... done.

        Topology retained in experiment.
++++++++++++ Clean operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
Writing cleaned.cube ... done.
cube_clean [-o output] [-c|-C] [-h] <cube experiment>
Name of the output file (default: clean.cube|.gz)
Reduce system dimension, if experiments are incompatible.
Collapse system dimension! Overrides option -c.
Help; Output a brief help message.

Reroot, Prune

For the detailed study of some part of the execution, the CUBE file can be modified based on a given call-tree node. Two different operations are possible:

One can have multiple -p and -r options, none of regions ( in -p and in -r separately) should have eachother as parents and wrong regions names are ignored.

An example of the output is presented below.

user@host: cube_cut -r inner_auto_ -p flux_err_ -o cutted.cube remapped.cube
Reading remapped.cube ... done.
++++++++++++ Cut operation begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        Topology retained in experiment.
++++++++++++ Cut operation ends successfully ++++++++++++++++
Writing cutted.cube ... done.
cube_cut [-h] [-c|-C] [-r nodename] [-p nodename] [-o output] <cube experiment >
Re-root calltree at named node(s)
Prune calltree from named node(s) (= ''inline'')
Name of the output file (default: cut)
Reduce system dimension, if experiments are incompatible.
Collapse system dimension! Overrides option -c.
Help; Output a brief help message.


Extracts statistical information from the CUBE files.

user@host: ./cube_stat  -m time,mpi -p remapped.cube -%
MetricRoutine     Count    Sum       Mean      Variance  Minimum      ...  Maximum
time INCL(MAIN__)    4  143.199101  35.799775  0.001783   35.759769   ...  35.839160
time   EXCL(MAIN__)  4    0.078037   0.019509  0.000441    0.001156   ...   0.037711
time   task_init_    4    0.568882   0.142221  0.001802    0.102174   ...   0.181852
time   read_input_   4    0.101781   0.025445  0.000622    0.000703   ...   0.051980
time   decomp_       4    0.000005   0.000001  0.000000    0.000001   ...   0.000002
time   inner_auto_   4  142.361593  35.590398  0.000609   35.566589   ...  35.612125
time   task_end_     4    0.088803   0.022201  0.000473    0.000468   ...   0.043699

mpi  INCL(MAIN__)    4   62.530811  15.632703  2.190396   13.607989   ...  17.162466
mpi    EXCL(MAIN__)  4    0.000000   0.000000  0.000000    0.000000   ...   0.000000
mpi    task_init_    4    0.304931   0.076233  0.001438    0.040472   ...   0.113223
mpi    read_input_   4    0.101017   0.025254  0.000633    0.000034   ...   0.051952
mpi    decomp_       4    0.000000   0.000000  0.000000    0.000000   ...   0.000000
pi    inner_auto_    4   62.037503  15.509376  2.194255   13.478049   ...  17.031288
mpi    task_end_     4    0.087360   0.021840  0.000473    0.000108   ...   0.043333

user@host: ./cube_stat  -t33 remapped.cube -p -m time,mpi,visits
Region        NumberOfCalls ExclusiveTime InclusiveTime      time       mpi      visits
sweep_                   48     76.438435    130.972847   76.438435   0.000000      48
MPI_Recv              39936     36.632249     36.632249   36.632249  36.632249   39936
MPI_Send              39936     17.684986     17.684986   17.684986  17.684986   39936
MPI_Allreduce           128      7.383530      7.383530    7.383530   7.383530     128
source_                  48      3.059890      3.059890    3.059890   0.000000      48
MPI_Barrier              12      0.382902      0.382902    0.382902   0.382902      12
flux_err_                48      0.380047      1.754759    0.380047   0.000000      48
TRACING                   8      0.251017      0.251017    0.251017   0.000000       8
MPI_Bcast                16      0.189381      0.189381    0.189381   0.189381      16
MPI_Init                  4      0.170402      0.419989    0.170402   0.170402       4
snd_real_             39936      0.139266     17.824251    0.139266   0.000000   39936
MPI_Finalize              4      0.087360      0.088790    0.087360   0.087360       4
initialize_               4      0.084858      0.168192    0.084858   0.000000       4
initxs_                   4      0.083242      0.083242    0.083242   0.000000       4
MAIN__                    4      0.078037    143.199101    0.078037   0.000000       4
rcv_real_             39936      0.077341     36.709590    0.077341   0.000000   39936
inner_                    4      0.034985    142.337220    0.034985   0.000000       4
inner_auto_               4      0.024373    142.361593    0.024373   0.000000       4
task_init_                4      0.014327      0.568882    0.014327   0.000000       4
read_input_               4      0.000716      0.101781    0.000716   0.000000       4
octant_                 416      0.000581      0.000581    0.000581   0.000000     416
global_real_max_         48      0.000441      1.374712    0.000441   0.000000      48
global_int_sum_          48      0.000298      5.978850    0.000298   0.000000      48
global_real_sum_         32      0.000108      0.030815    0.000108   0.000000      32
barrier_sync_            12      0.000105      0.383007    0.000105   0.000000      12
bcast_int_               12      0.000068      0.189395    0.000068   0.000000      12
timers                    2      0.000044      0.000044    0.000044   0.000000       2
initgeom_                 4      0.000042      0.000042    0.000042   0.000000       4
initsnc_                  4      0.000038      0.000050    0.000038   0.000000       4
task_end_                 4      0.000013      0.088803    0.000013   0.000000       4
bcast_real_               4      0.000010      0.000065    0.000010   0.000000       4
decomp_                   4      0.000005      0.000005    0.000005   0.000000       4
timers_                   2      0.000004      0.000048    0.000004   0.000000       2

cube_stat [-h] [-p] [-m <metric>[,<metric>...]] [-%] [-r <routine>[,<routine>...]] <cubefile>

[-t \<topN\>] \<cubefile\>
              -t topN cubefile</dd>
Display this help message
Pretty-print statistics (instead of CSV output)
Provide statistics about process/thread metric values
List of metrics (default: time)
List of routines (default: main). Use mangeled name, if available.
Number for topN regions flat profile

Output of the tool Dump as

cube_dump -w <profile.cubex>

lists next to the display name of the region its mangeled name as well.

from TAU to CUBE

Converts a profile generated by the TAU Performance System into the CUBE format. Currently, only 1-level, 2-level and full call-path profiles are supported.

An example of the output is presented below.

user@host: ./tau2cube3 tau2 -o b.cube
    Parsing TAU profile...
    Parsing TAU profile...          done.
    Creating CUBE profile...
    Number of call paths : 5
    Childmain int (int, char **)
    Number of call paths : 5
    ChildsomeA void (void)
    Number of call paths : 5
    ChildsomeB void (void)
    Number of call paths : 5
    ChildsomeC void (void)
    Number of call paths : 5
    ChildsomeD void (void)
    Path to Parents : 5
    Path to Child : 1
    Number of roots : 5
    Call-tree node created
    Call-tree node created
    Call-tree node created
    Call-tree node created
    Call-tree node created
    value time :: 8.0151
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 11.0138
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 8.01506
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 11.0138
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 5.00815
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 11.0138
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 0.000287
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 11.0138
    value ncalls :: 1
    value time :: 0
    value ncalls :: 0
    value time :: 9.00879
    value ncalls :: 1

tau2cube [tau-profile-dir ][-o cube]

Common Calltree

Common Calltree is a tool to reduce call trees of a set of cube files to the common part.

cube_commoncalltree [-h] <cube experiment> ...
Help; Output a brief help message.

The tool cube_commoncalltree takes set of input cubefiles

(cubefile1 cubefile2 ... cubefileN)

and creates corresponding set of cube files

(cubefile1_commoncalltree cubefile2_commoncalltree ... cubefileN_commoncalltree).

Output cube files cubefileX_commoncalltree do have the equal system and metric dimensions like corresponding cubefileX file.

Call trees among cubefileX_commoncalltree files are reduced to the maximal (up to a special case in region naming scheme) common part. Inclusive value of the "missing" part is added as a exclusive value to its parent (which is a part of common part of call tree)

This tool is particulary useful for comparison of exprerimens with the different recursion depth or with the additional sub call trees depending on some loop iteration index.

Topology Assistant

Topology assistant is a tool to handle topologies in cube files. It is able to add or edit a topology.

cube_topoassist [opts] <cube experiment>

The current available options are:

The command-line switches for this utility are:

-c: creates a new topology in the existing cube file.

-n: [re]name an existing topology

-d: name dimensions of a topology

The output is a topo.cube[.gz] file in the current directory.

As mentioned abot, when using the -d or -n command-line options, a numbered list of the current topologies will appear, showing the topology names, its dimension names (when existing), and the number of coordinates in each dimension, as well as the total number of threads. This is an example of the usage:

$ cube_topoassist topo.cube.gz -n
Reading topo.cube.gz . Please wait... Done.
Processes are ordered by rank. For more information about this file,
use cube_info -S <cube experiment>

This CUBE has 3 topologie(s).
0. <Unnamed topology>, 3 dimensions: x: 3, y: 1, z: 4. Total = 12 threads.
1. Test topology, 1 dimensions: dim_x: 12. Total = 12 threads.
2. <Unnamed topology>, 3 dimensions: 3, 1, 4. Total = 12 threads. <Dimensions are not named>

Topology to [re]name?
New name:
Hardware topology
Topology successfully [re]named.

Writing topo.cube.gz ... done.

The process is similar for [re]naming dimensions within a topology. One characteristic is that either all dimensions are named, or none.

One could easily create a script to generate the coordinates according to some algorithm/equation, and feed this to the assistant as an input. The only requirement is to answer the questions in the order they appear, and after that, feed the coordinates. Coordinates are asked for in rank order, and inside every rank, in thread order.

The sequence of questions made by the assistant when creating a new topology (the -c switch) is:

This is a sample session of the assistant:

$ cube_topoassist -c experiment.cube.gz
Reading experiment.cube.gz. Please wait... Done.
Processes are ordered by rank. For more information about this file, use cube_info -S <cube experiment>

So far, only cartesian topologies are accepted.
Name for new topology?
Test topology
Number of Dimensions?
Do you want to name the dimensions (axis) of this topology? (Y/N)
Name for dimension 0
Number of elements for dimension 0
Is dimension 0 periodic?
Name for dimension 1
Number of elements for dimension 1
Is dimension 1 periodic?
Name for dimension 2
Number of elements for dimension 2
Is dimension 2 periodic?
Alert: The number of possible coordinates (150000000) is bigger than the number of threads
 on the specified cube file (12). Some positions will stay empty.
Topology on THREAD level.
Thread 0's (rank 0) coordinates in 3 dimensions, separated by spaces
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 2
Writing topo.cube.gz ... done.

So, a possible input file for this cube experiment could be:

Test topology
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 2
... (the remaining coordinates)
And then call the assistant:
cube_topoassist -c cubefile.cube < input.txt


To export values from the cube report into another tool or to examine internal structure of the cube report CUBE framework provedes a tool cube_dump tool, which prints out different values. It calculates inclusive and exclusive values along metric tree and call tree, agregates over system tree or displays values for every thread separately. In addition it provides user to define new metrics(see file CubeDerivedMetrics.pdf). Results are calculated and shown. For convenience user can invoke defined metrics along with new once in any order. For doing so one lists unique names of metrics separated by commas. For access to more than one callpaths, user can specify the ids or a range of them like "2-9". This also can be done for threads. Additionally provides a calculation of the flat profile values.

cube_dump [-m <metrics>|<new metrics>|all|<filename>] [-c <cnode ids>|all|leafs|roots|level>X|level=X|level<X|name=/regext/|<filename>] [-x incl|excl] [-z incl|excl|stored] [-t thread_id|aggr] [-r] ] [-f name] [-w] [-g]- [-s human|gnuplot|csv|csv2 ] [-h|-?] [-o output] <cube experiment>
-m <metrics>|<new metrics>|all|<filename>
Select one or more of metrics (unique names) for data dump.
By giving a CubePL expression one can define one or more new metrics by giving correspond formula. If the expression prefixed with ''<name>:'', <name> is used as a unique name for the new metric.
<filename> - takes a CubePL expression from file <filename> and defines a derived metric with it
all - all metrics will be printed.
Combination of these three is possible.
-c <cnode ids>|all|leafs|roots|level>X|level=X|level<X|name=/regexp/|<filename>
Select one or more call paths to be printed out .
<cnode ids> - list or range of call path ids: 0,3,5-10,25
all - all call paths are printed
leafs - only call paths without children are printed
roots - only root cnodes are printed
level<X, level=X or level>X - only cnodes of the level more, equal or less than N are printed
name=/regexp/- only cnodes of with the name matching to the regular expression 'regexp'
<filename> - takes a CubePL expression from file <filename> and evaluates it for every callpath.
If the result is non-zero - call path is included into the output.
-x incl|excl
Selects, if the data along the metric tree should be calculated as an inclusive or an exclusive value.
(Default value: incl).
-z incl|excl|stored
Selects, if the data along the call tree should be calculated as an inclusive or an exclusive value.
(Default value: excl).
-t <thread id>|aggr
Show data for one or more selected threads or aggregated over system tree.
Prints aggregated values for every region (flat profile), sorted by id.
-f < name >
Selects a stored data with the name < name > to display
Shows the coordinates for every topology as well.
Disables expansion of clusters and shows bare stored meta structure.
Prints out the information about structure of the cube.
Show ghost metrics (only in combination with -w).
-o <filename>|-
Uses a device or STDOUT for the output. If omit, STDOUT is used.
-s human|gnuplot|gnuplot2|csv|csv2|(R)
Uses either human readable form, GNUPLOT or CSV (two different layouts) format or binary R matrix (in case R is installed) for data export.
Help; Output a brief help message.

This is examples of the usage.

Example 1:

$cube_dump -m time,"metric::visits(e)","metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)" -c 0 \
  -z incl -s gnuplot  profile.cubex

# ===================== DATA ===================
# Print out the data of the metric time
0   0   80.549003343
0   1   44.115097986
0   2   43.486614165
0   3   43.940738098
0   4   80.539393011
0   5   42.723353088
0   6   42.61159706
0   7   43.108220977
0   8   80.635220741
0   9   43.788284208
0   10  43.831524441
0   11  43.652044759
0   12  80.629776666
0   13  42.692885677
0   14  42.719330066
0   15  42.732487708

# Print out the data of the metric New Metric1
0   0   80.549003343
0   1   1.79769313486e+308
0   2   1.79769313486e+308
0   3   1.79769313486e+308
0   4   80.539393011
0   5   1.79769313486e+308
0   6   1.79769313486e+308
0   7   1.79769313486e+308
0   8   80.635220741
0   9   1.79769313486e+308
0   10  1.79769313486e+308
0   11  1.79769313486e+308
0   12  80.629776666
0   13  1.79769313486e+308
0   14  1.79769313486e+308
0   15  1.79769313486e+308

# Print out the data of the metric New Metric2
0   0   1
0   1   0
0   2   0
0   3   0
0   4   1
0   5   0
0   6   0
0   7   0
0   8   1
0   9   0
0   10  0
0   11  0
0   12  1
0   13  0
0   14  0
0   15  0

Example 2:

$cube_dump -m time -s gnuplot2  profile.cubex

# ===================== CONFIGURE GNUPLOT ===================
set logscal x ; set logscal y ; set grid ; set xrange [16:300000]
; set terminal png size "600,400"

# ===================== DATA ===================
# Print out the data of the metric time

;set output "0.png"
; plot 6.4e-18*x**(5.0/2.0) + 5.2e-05 t "setPrecision(int, PrecisionFormat)(id=18)" ,
1.2e-17*x**(7.0/3.0) + 3.6e-05 t "setRoundNr(int, PrecisionFormat)(id=19)" ,
2.1e-17*x**(9.0/4.0) + 3.1e-05 t "setUpperExpNr(int, PrecisionFormat)(id=20)" ,
7.1e-19*x**(5.0/2.0) + 8.8e-06 t "getInstance()(id=21)" ,
2.8e-18*x**(2.0/1.0)*log(x) + 3.3e-06 t "getCubePluginCount()(id=24)"

;set output "1.png"
; plot 1.3e-20*x**(5.0/2.0)*log(x) + 4.2e-06 t "PluginList()(id=25)" ,
9.7e-18*x**(7.0/3.0) + 1.1e-05 t "loadContextFreePlugin(PluginData&)(id=28)" ,
1e-17*x**(9.0/4.0) + 8.8e-06 t "loadCubePlugin(PluginData&)(id=29)" ,
1e-18*x**(9.0/4.0) + 1.1e-06 t "name() const(id=35)" ,
2.6e-18*x**(2.0/1.0)*log(x) + 3.7e-06 t "getCubePlugin(int)(id=44)"

Example 3:

$cube_dump -m time,"metric::visits(e)","metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)" -c 0 \
 -t aggr  -z incl -s human  profile.cubex

 ===================== DATA ===================
Print out the data of the metric time

            All threads
main(id=0)  841.755571994
Print out the data of the metric New Metric1

            All threads
main(id=0)  210.438892999
Print out the data of the metric New Metric2

            All threads
main(id=0)  4

Example 4:

$cube_dump -m time,"metric::visits(e)","metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)" -c 20 \
  -z incl -s csv  profile.cubex




Example 5:

$cube_dump -m time,"metric::visits(e)","metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)" -c 1 \
  -z incl -s csv2  profile.cubex

Cnode ID, Thread ID,time,New Metric1,New Metric2

Example 6:

$cube_dump -m time,"metric::visits(e)","metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)" -c 1 \
  -z incl -s R  profile.cubex -o output_file

This will generate binary file "output_file" which can be loaded in R. In consists of three matrices, each one corresponding to one metric. Each matrix is named after the metric and it contains values for all threads and nodes.

Example 7: We select only call path names, starting with "main" using the CubePL expression (stored in file name "selection.cubepl") :

if (${cube::region::name}[${calculation::region::id}] =~  /^main/ )
{ ${a}=1; }; return ${a};


cube_dump -m time,"metric::visits(e)","metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)"   -c selection.cubepl  \
 -z incl  -t aggr  profile.cubex

 ===================== DATA ===================
Print out the data of the metric time
                  All threads
main(id=0)        841.755571994
main_loop(id=12)  840.73706946

Print out the data of the metric New Metric1
                  All threads
main(id=0)        210.438892999
main_loop(id=12)  0.210184267365

Print out the data of the metric New Metric2
                  All threads
main(id=0)        4
main_loop(id=12)  4000

Options "leafs", "roots", "level=", "level<", "level>" and "name=/regexp/" are shortcuts for a build-in CubePL expression, which is used to select a call path.

"level<N" and "level>N" differ from "level=N" in the boolean operation in the line 8. For detailed documentation of the syntax of CubePL please see.

==== BASE ==== ==== BASE ====

==== BASE ==== ==== BASE ====

Cube Writer Library    Copyright © 1998–2022 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Copyright © 2009–2015 German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH, Laboratory for Parallel Programming