Visualization on JUWELS

JUWELS Visualization Nodes

JUWELS contains four login visualization nodes which are dedicated to GPU-assisted data visualization.

Here is an overview about the configuration:

4 visualization login nodes:

  • ssh access via (juwelsvis[00-03] in round-robin fashion)

  • 768 GB main memory, 1 NVIDIA Pascal P100 GPU

  • login nodes, that means direct access via ssh possible

  • shared by all users logged in

How to Use the Visualization Nodes

A graphical login simplifies the access to remote visualization and the data stored on the file system. Hence, we support and recommend the use of Virtual Network Computing (VNC) on the visualization nodes of JUWELS. VNC provides a complete graphical and remote desktop by

  • transmitting the keyboard and mouse events from your computer to the remote machine and

  • relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other direction.

VNC is

  • platform-independent (VNC viewers are available for almost any operating system)

  • application-independent (no need for remote visualization support inside the application)

With the help of VirtualGL installed on JUWELS vis nodes OpenGL commands of visualization software can be processed on their local GPUs. In contrast to X-forwarding (ssh -X) this can speed up visualization tremendously especially for large data sets.

For further details about how to use the vis nodes of JUWELS for remote rendering please refer to the visualization related documentation at

Additional Documentation

Remote 3D Visualization at JSC (PDF)