Source code for jube2.benchmark

# JUBE Benchmarking Environment
# Copyright (C) 2008-2024
# Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich Supercomputing Centre
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""The Benchmark class manages the benchmark process"""

from __future__ import (print_function,

import multiprocessing as mp
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
import logging
import os
import re
import stat
import pprint
import shutil
import itertools
import jube2.parameter
import jube2.util.util
import jube2.util.output
import jube2.conf
import jube2.log

LOGGER = jube2.log.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Benchmark(object): """The Benchmark class contains all data to run a benchmark""" def __init__(self, name, outpath, parametersets, substitutesets, filesets, patternsets, steps, analyser, results, results_order, comment="", tags=None, file_path_ref="."): self._name = name self._outpath = outpath self._parametersets = parametersets self._substitutesets = substitutesets self._filesets = filesets self._patternsets = patternsets self._steps = steps self._analyser = analyser for analyser in self._analyser.values(): analyser.benchmark = self self._results = results self._results_order = results_order for result in self._results.values(): result.benchmark = self self._workpackages = dict() self._work_stat = jube2.util.util.WorkStat() self._comment = comment self._id = -1 self._file_path_ref = file_path_ref if tags is None: self._tags = set() else: self._tags = tags @property def name(self): """Return benchmark name""" return self._name @property def comment(self): """Return comment string""" return self._comment @property def tags(self): """Return set of tags""" return self._tags @comment.setter def comment(self, new_comment): """Set new comment string""" self._comment = new_comment @property def parametersets(self): """Return parametersets""" return self._parametersets @property def patternsets(self): """Return patternsets""" return self._patternsets @property def analyser(self): """Return analyser""" return self._analyser @property def results(self): """Return results""" return self._results @property def results_order(self): """Return results_order""" return self._results_order @property def file_path_ref(self): """Get file path reference""" return self._file_path_ref @file_path_ref.setter def file_path_ref(self, file_path_ref): """Set file path reference""" self._file_path_ref = file_path_ref @property def outpath(self): """Return outpath""" return self._outpath @outpath.setter def outpath(self, new_outpath): """Overwrite outpath""" self._outpath = new_outpath @property def substitutesets(self): """Return substitutesets""" return self._substitutesets @property def workpackages(self): """Return workpackages""" return self._workpackages
[docs] def add_tags(self, other_tags): if other_tags is not None: self._tags = self._tags.union(set(other_tags))
[docs] def workpackage_by_id(self, wp_id): """Search and return a benchmark workpackage by its wp_id""" for stepname in self._workpackages: for workpackage in self._workpackages[stepname]: if == wp_id: return workpackage return None
[docs] def remove_workpackage(self, workpackage_to_delete): """Remove a specifc workpackage""" stepname = if stepname in self._workpackages and \ workpackage_to_delete in self._workpackages[stepname]: self._workpackages[stepname].remove(workpackage_to_delete)
@property def work_stat(self): """Return work queue""" return self._work_stat @property def filesets(self): """Return filesets""" return self._filesets
[docs] def delete_bench_dir(self): """Delete all data inside benchmark directory""" if os.path.exists(self.bench_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.bench_dir, ignore_errors=True)
@property def steps(self): """Return steps""" return self._steps @property def workpackage_status(self): """Retun workpackage information dict""" result_dict = dict() for stepname in self._workpackages: result_dict[stepname] = {"all": 0, "open": 0, "wait": 0, "error": 0, "done": 0} for workpackage in self._workpackages[stepname]: result_dict[stepname]["all"] += 1 if workpackage.done: result_dict[stepname]["done"] += 1 elif workpackage.error: result_dict[stepname]["error"] += 1 elif workpackage.started: result_dict[stepname]["wait"] += 1 else: result_dict[stepname]["open"] += 1 return result_dict @property def benchmark_status(self): """Retun global workpackage information dict""" result_dict = {"all": 0, "open": 0, "wait": 0, "error": 0, "done": 0} for status in self.workpackage_status.values(): result_dict["all"] += status["all"] result_dict["open"] += status["open"] result_dict["wait"] += status["wait"] result_dict["error"] += status["error"] result_dict["done"] += status["done"] return result_dict @property def id(self): """Return benchmark id""" return self._id @id.setter def id(self, new_id): """Set new benchmark id""" self._id = new_id
[docs] def get_jube_parameterset(self): """Return parameterset which contains benchmark related information""" parameterset = jube2.parameter.Parameterset() # benchmark id parameterset.add_parameter( jube2.parameter.Parameter. create_parameter( "jube_benchmark_id", str(self._id), parameter_type="int", update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) # benchmark id with padding parameterset.add_parameter( jube2.parameter.Parameter. create_parameter("jube_benchmark_padid", jube2.util.util.id_dir("", self._id), parameter_type="string", update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) # benchmark name parameterset.add_parameter( jube2.parameter.Parameter. create_parameter("jube_benchmark_name", self._name, update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) # benchmark home parameterset.add_parameter( jube2.parameter.Parameter. create_parameter("jube_benchmark_home", os.path.abspath(self._file_path_ref), update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) # benchmark rundir parameterset.add_parameter( jube2.parameter.Parameter. create_parameter("jube_benchmark_rundir", os.path.abspath(self.bench_dir), update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) timestamps = jube2.util.util.read_timestamps( os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.TIMESTAMPS_INFO)) # benchmark start parameterset.add_parameter( jube2.parameter.Parameter.create_parameter( "jube_benchmark_start", timestamps.get("start", "").replace(" ", "T"), update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) return parameterset
[docs] def etree_repr(self, new_cwd=None): """Return etree object representation""" benchmark_etree = ET.Element("benchmark") if len(self._comment) > 0: comment_element = ET.SubElement(benchmark_etree, "comment") comment_element.text = self._comment benchmark_etree.attrib["name"] = self._name # Modify file_path_ref and outpath to be relativly correct towards # new configuration file position if new_cwd is not None: benchmark_etree.attrib["file_path_ref"] = \ os.path.relpath(self._file_path_ref, new_cwd) if not os.path.isabs(self._outpath): benchmark_etree.attrib["outpath"] = \ os.path.relpath(self._outpath, new_cwd) else: benchmark_etree.attrib["outpath"] = self._outpath for parameterset in self._parametersets.values(): benchmark_etree.append(parameterset.etree_repr()) for substituteset in self._substitutesets.values(): benchmark_etree.append(substituteset.etree_repr()) for fileset in self._filesets.values(): benchmark_etree.append(fileset.etree_repr()) for patternset in self._patternsets.values(): benchmark_etree.append(patternset.etree_repr()) for step in self._steps.values(): benchmark_etree.append(step.etree_repr()) for analyser in self._analyser.values(): benchmark_etree.append(analyser.etree_repr()) for result_name in self._results_order: result = self._results[result_name] benchmark_etree.append(result.etree_repr()) return benchmark_etree
def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__) def _create_initial_workpackages(self): """Create initial workpackages of current benchmark and create graph structure.""" self._workpackages = dict() self._work_stat = jube2.util.util.WorkStat() # Create workpackage storage for step_name in self._steps: self._workpackages[step_name] = list() # Create initial workpackages for step in self._steps.values(): if len(step.depend) == 0: new_workpackages = \ self._create_new_workpackages_with_parents(step) self._workpackages[] += new_workpackages for workpackage in new_workpackages: workpackage.queued = True self._work_stat.put(workpackage)
[docs] def analyse(self, show_info=True, specific_analyser_name=None): """Run analyser""" if show_info:">>> Start analyse") if specific_analyser_name is not None and \ specific_analyser_name in self._analyser: self._analyser[specific_analyser_name].analyse() else: for analyser in self._analyser.values(): analyser.analyse() if ((not jube2.conf.DEBUG_MODE) and (os.access(self.bench_dir, os.W_OK))): self.write_analyse_data(os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.ANALYSE_FILENAME)) if show_info:">>> Analyse finished")
[docs] def create_result(self, only=None, show=False, data_list=None, style=None, select=None, exclude=None): """Show benchmark result""" if only is None: only = [result_name for result_name in self._results] if data_list is None: data_list = list() for result_name in self._results_order: result = self._results[result_name] if in only: result_data = result.create_result_data(style, select, exclude) if result.result_dir is None: result_dir = os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.RESULT_DIRNAME) else: result_dir = result.result_dir result_dir = os.path.expanduser(result_dir) result_dir = os.path.expandvars(result_dir) result_dir = jube2.util.util.id_dir( os.path.join(self.file_path_ref, result_dir), if (not os.path.exists(result_dir)) and \ (not jube2.conf.DEBUG_MODE): try: os.makedirs(result_dir) except OSError: pass if ((not jube2.conf.DEBUG_MODE) and (os.path.exists(result_dir)) and (os.access(result_dir, os.W_OK))): filename = os.path.join(result_dir, "{0}.dat".format( else: filename = None result_data.create_result(show=show, filename=filename) if result_data in data_list: data_list[data_list.index(result_data)].add_result_data( result_data) else: data_list.append(result_data) return data_list
[docs] def update_analyse_and_result(self, new_patternsets, new_analyser, new_results, new_results_order, new_cwd): """Update analyser and result data""" if os.path.exists(self.bench_dir): LOGGER.debug("Update analyse and result data") self._patternsets = new_patternsets old_analyser = self._analyser self._analyser = new_analyser self._results = new_results self._results_order = new_results_order for analyser in self._analyser.values(): if in old_analyser: analyser.analyse_result = \ old_analyser[].analyse_result analyser.benchmark = self for result in self._results.values(): result.benchmark = self # change result dir position relative to cwd if (result.result_dir is not None) and \ (new_cwd is not None) and \ (not os.path.isabs(result.result_dir)): result.result_dir = \ os.path.join(new_cwd, result.result_dir) if ((not jube2.conf.DEBUG_MODE) and (os.access(self.bench_dir, os.W_OK))): self.write_benchmark_configuration( os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME), outpath="..")
[docs] def write_analyse_data(self, filename): """All analyse data will be written to given file using xml representation""" # Create root-tag and append analyser analyse_etree = ET.Element("analyse") for analyser_name in self._analyser: analyser_etree = ET.SubElement(analyse_etree, "analyser") analyser_etree.attrib["name"] = analyser_name for etree in self._analyser[analyser_name].analyse_etree_repr(): analyser_etree.append(etree) xml = jube2.util.output.element_tree_tostring( analyse_etree, encoding="UTF-8") # Using dom for pretty-print dom = DOM.parseString(xml.encode("UTF-8")) fout = open(filename, "wb") fout.write(dom.toprettyxml(indent=" ", encoding="UTF-8")) fout.close()
def _create_new_workpackages_for_workpackage(self, workpackage): """Create and return new workpackages if given workpackage was finished.""" all_new_workpackages = list() if not workpackage.done or len(workpackage.children) > 0: return all_new_workpackages LOGGER.debug(("Create new workpackages for workpackage" " {0}({1})").format(, # Search for dependent steps dependent_steps = [step for step in self._steps.values() if in step.depend] # Search for possible workpackage parents for dependent_step in dependent_steps: parent_workpackages = [[ parent_workpackage for parent_workpackage in self._workpackages[step_name] if parent_workpackage.done] for step_name in dependent_step.depend if (step_name in self._workpackages) and (step_name !=] parent_workpackages.append([workpackage]) # Create all possible parent combinations workpackage_combinations = \ [iterator for iterator in itertools.product(*parent_workpackages)] possible_combination = len(workpackage_combinations) for workpackage_combination in workpackage_combinations: new_workpackages = self._create_new_workpackages_with_parents( dependent_step, workpackage_combination) if len(new_workpackages) > 0: possible_combination -= 1 # Create links: parent workpackages -> new children for new_workpackage in new_workpackages: for parent in workpackage_combination: parent.add_children(new_workpackage) self._workpackages[] += new_workpackages all_new_workpackages += new_workpackages if possible_combination > 0: LOGGER.debug((" {0} workpackages combinations were skipped" " while checking possible parent combinations" " for step {1}").format(possible_combination, LOGGER.debug(" {0} new workpackages created".format( len(all_new_workpackages))) return all_new_workpackages def _create_new_workpackages_with_parents(self, step, parent_workpackages=None): """Create workpackages with given parent combination""" if parent_workpackages is None: parent_workpackages = list() # Combine and check parent parametersets parameterset = jube2.parameter.Parameterset() incompatible_parameter_names = set() for parent_workpackage in parent_workpackages: # Check weather parameter combination is possible or not. # JUBE Parameter can be ignored incompatible_parameter_names = incompatible_parameter_names.union( parameterset.get_incompatible_parameter( parent_workpackage.parameterset, update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE)) parameterset.add_parameterset( parent_workpackage.parameterset) # Sort parent workpackges after total iteration number and name sorted_parents = list(parent_workpackages) sorted_parents.sort(key=lambda x: sorted_parents.sort(key=lambda x: x.step.iterations) iteration_base = 0 for i, parent in enumerate(sorted_parents): if i == 0: iteration_base = parent.iteration else: iteration_base = \ parent.step.iterations * iteration_base + parent.iteration parameterset.remove_jube_parameter() # Create new workpackages new_workpackages = step.create_workpackages( self, parameterset, iteration_base=iteration_base, parents=parent_workpackages, incompatible_parameters=incompatible_parameter_names) # Update iteration sibling connections if len(parent_workpackages) > 0 and len(new_workpackages) > 0: for sibling in parent_workpackages[0].iteration_siblings: if sibling != parent_workpackages[0]: for child in sibling.children: for workpackage in new_workpackages: if workpackage.parameterset.is_compatible( child.parameterset, update_mode=jube2.parameter.JUBE_MODE): workpackage.iteration_siblings.add(child) child.iteration_siblings.add(workpackage) return new_workpackages
[docs] def new_run(self): """Create workpackage structure and run benchmark""" # Check benchmark consistency LOGGER.debug("Start consistency check") jube2.util.util.consistency_check(self) # Create benchmark directory LOGGER.debug("Create benchmark directory") self._create_bench_dir() # Change logfile jube2.log.change_logfile_name(os.path.join( self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.LOGFILE_RUN_NAME)) # Move parse logfile into benchmark folder if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._file_path_ref, jube2.conf.DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME)): shutil.move(os.path.join(self._file_path_ref, jube2.conf.DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME), os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.LOGFILE_PARSE_NAME)) # Reset Workpackage counter jube2.workpackage.Workpackage.id_counter = 0 # Create initial workpackages LOGGER.debug("Create initial workpackages") self._create_initial_workpackages() # Store workpackage information LOGGER.debug("Store initial workpackage information") self.write_workpackage_information( os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.WORKPACKAGES_FILENAME)) LOGGER.debug("Start benchmark run")
[docs] def run(self): """Run benchmark""" title = "benchmark: {0}".format(self._name) title += "\nid: {0}".format(self._id) if jube2.conf.DEBUG_MODE: title += " ---DEBUG_MODE---" title += "\n\n{0}".format(self._comment) infostr = jube2.util.output.text_boxed(title) if not jube2.conf.HIDE_ANIMATIONS: print("\nRunning workpackages (#=done, 0=wait, E=error):") status = self.benchmark_status jube2.util.output.print_loading_bar( status["done"], status["all"], status["wait"], status["error"]) # Handle all workpackages in given order while not self._work_stat.empty(): workpackage = self._work_stat.get() run_parallel = False def collect_result(val): """used collect return values from pool.apply_async""" # run postprocessing of each wp for i, wp in enumerate(self._workpackages[val["step_name"]]): if == val["id"]: if(len(val) == 2): # workpackage is done or its execution was erroneous pass else: # update corresponding wp in self._workpackage with modified wp wp.env = val["env"] # restore the parameters containing a method of a class, # which needed to be deleted within the multiprocess # execution to avoid excessive memory usage for p in wp._parameterset.all_parameters: if(p.search_method(propertyString="eval_helper", recursiveProperty="based_on")): val["parameterset"].add_parameter(p) wp.parameterset = val["parameterset"] wp.cycle = val["cycle"] self.wp_post_run_config(wp) break def log_e(e): """used to print error_callback from pool.apply_async""" print(e) # TODO # writeXML position(y) - replace by database # TODO END if not workpackage.done: # execute wps in parallel which have the same name if workpackage.step.procs > 1: run_parallel = True procs = workpackage.step.procs name = pool = mp.Pool(processes=procs) # save current logfile name to restore logs in the right logfile current_logfile_name = jube2.log.LOGFILE_NAME # add wps to the parallel pool as long as they have the same name while True: pool.apply_async(, args=('p',), callback=collect_result, error_callback=log_e) if not self._work_stat.empty(): workpackage = self._work_stat.get() # push back as first element of _work_stat and # terminate parallel loop if != name: self._work_stat.push_back(workpackage) break else: break pool.close() pool.join() else: if run_parallel == True: # merge parallel run log files into the main run log file and # delete the parallel logs log_fname = jube2.log.LOGFILE_NAME.split('/')[-1] filenames = [file for file in os.listdir(self.bench_dir) if file.startswith(log_fname.split('.')[0]) and file != log_fname] filenames.sort(key=lambda o: int(re.split('_|\.', o)[1])) with open(current_logfile_name, 'a') as outfile: for fname in filenames: with open(os.path.join(self.bench_dir, fname), 'r') as infile: contents = outfile.write(contents) os.remove(os.path.join(self.bench_dir, fname)) run_parallel = False else: self.wp_post_run_config(workpackage) # Store workpackage information self.write_workpackage_information( os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.WORKPACKAGES_FILENAME)) print("\n") status_data = [("stepname", "all", "open", "wait", "error", "done")] status_data += [(stepname, str(_status["all"]), str(_status["open"]), str(_status["wait"]), str(_status["error"]), str(_status["done"])) for stepname, _status in self.workpackage_status.items()] status_data, use_header_line=True, indent=2))"\n>>>> Benchmark information and " + "further useful commands:")">>>> id: {0}".format(self._id))">>>> handle: {0}".format(self._outpath))">>>> dir: {0}".format(self.bench_dir)) status = self.benchmark_status if status["all"] != status["done"]:">>>> continue: jube continue {0} " + "--id {1}").format(self._outpath, self._id))">>>> analyse: jube analyse {0} " + "--id {1}").format(self._outpath, self._id))">>>> result: jube result {0} " + "--id {1}").format(self._outpath, self._id))">>>> info: jube info {0} " + "--id {1}").format(self._outpath, self._id))">>>> log: jube log {0} " + "--id {1}").format(self._outpath, self._id)) + "\n")
[docs] def wp_post_run_config(self, workpackage): """additional processing of workpackage: - update status bar - build up queue after restart """ self._create_new_workpackages_for_workpackage(workpackage) # Update queues (move waiting workpackages to work queue # if possible) self._work_stat.update_queues(workpackage) #Update workpackage status for jube parameter workpackage.update_status() if not jube2.conf.HIDE_ANIMATIONS: status = self.benchmark_status jube2.util.output.print_loading_bar( status["done"], status["all"], status["wait"], status["error"]) workpackage.queued = False for mode in ("only_started", "all"): for child in workpackage.children: all_done = True for parent in child.parents: all_done = all_done and parent.done if all_done: if (mode == "only_started" and child.started) or \ (mode == "all" and (not child.queued)): child.queued = True self._work_stat.put(child)
def _create_bench_dir(self): """Create the directory for a benchmark.""" # Get group_id if available (given by JUBE_GROUP_NAME) group_id = jube2.util.util.check_and_get_group_id() # Check if outpath exists if not (os.path.exists(self._outpath) and os.path.isdir(self._outpath)): os.makedirs(self._outpath) if group_id is not None: os.chown(self._outpath, os.getuid(), group_id) # Generate unique ID in outpath if self._id < 0: self._id = jube2.util.util.get_current_id(self._outpath) + 1 if os.path.exists(self.bench_dir): raise RuntimeError("Benchmark directory \"{0}\" already exists" .format(self.bench_dir)) os.makedirs(self.bench_dir) # If JUBE_GROUP_NAME is given, set GID-Bit and change group if group_id is not None: os.chown(self.bench_dir, os.getuid(), group_id) os.chmod(self.bench_dir, os.stat(self.bench_dir).st_mode | stat.S_ISGID) self.write_benchmark_configuration( os.path.join(self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME), outpath="..") jube2.util.util.update_timestamps(os.path.join( self.bench_dir, jube2.conf.TIMESTAMPS_INFO), "start", "change")
[docs] def write_benchmark_configuration(self, filename, outpath=None): """The current benchmark configuration will be written to given file using xml representation""" # Create root-tag and append single benchmark benchmarks_etree = ET.Element("jube") benchmarks_etree.attrib["version"] = jube2.conf.JUBE_VERSION # Store tag information if len(self._tags) > 0: selection_etree = ET.SubElement(benchmarks_etree, "selection") for tag in self._tags: tag_etree = ET.SubElement(selection_etree, "tag") tag_etree.text = tag benchmark_etree = self.etree_repr(new_cwd=self.bench_dir) if outpath is not None: benchmark_etree.attrib["outpath"] = outpath benchmarks_etree.append(benchmark_etree) xml = jube2.util.output.element_tree_tostring( benchmarks_etree, encoding="UTF-8") # Using dom for pretty-print dom = DOM.parseString(xml.encode('UTF-8')) fout = open(filename, "wb") fout.write(dom.toprettyxml(indent=" ", encoding="UTF-8")) fout.close()
[docs] def reset_all_workpackages(self): """Reset workpackage state""" for workpackages in self._workpackages.values(): for workpackage in workpackages: workpackage.done = False
[docs] def write_workpackage_information(self, filename): """All workpackage information will be written to given file using xml representation""" # Create root-tag and append workpackages workpackages_etree = ET.Element("workpackages") for workpackages in self._workpackages.values(): for workpackage in workpackages: workpackages_etree.append(workpackage.etree_repr()) xml = jube2.util.output.element_tree_tostring( workpackages_etree, encoding="UTF-8") # Using dom for pretty-print dom = DOM.parseString(xml.encode("UTF-8")) fout = open(filename, "wb") fout.write(dom.toprettyxml(indent=" ", encoding="UTF-8")) fout.close()
[docs] def set_workpackage_information(self, workpackages, work_stat): """Set new workpackage information""" self._workpackages = workpackages self._work_stat = work_stat
@property def bench_dir(self): """Return benchmark directory""" return jube2.util.util.id_dir(self._outpath, self._id)