Cube GUI User Guide  (CubeGUI 4.7, revision a39fed06)
Introduction in Cube GUI and its usage
Metric Editor Plugin

The metric editor plugin allows to create derived metrics as root or child metrics. To create or edit such a metric, use the right mouse button to show the context menu of the metric-tree. Then select the menu item "Edit metric->Create derived metric". If the context menu is called on a tree item, the new metric may also be inserted as a child".

"createderivedmetric": Create derived metric

For detailed documentation of CubePL please see .

Some details about the fields in the dialog:

  1. Select metric from collection: Provides a list of predefined derived metric, which might be helpful for the analysis. A new metric may be added to the collection with the plus button, existing user defined metrics may be updated that way.
  2. Derived metric type: Selects the type of the derived metrics. Available are : Postderived metric, Prederived exclusive metric and Prederived inclusive metric.
  3. Display name: Sets the display name of the metric in the metric-tree.
  4. Unique name: Sets the unique name of the metric. There is no check done if another metric is present with the same unique name.
  5. Data type : For derived metrics it is preselected and is always DOUBLE.
  6. Unit of measurement: Selects a unit of measurement. It is a user defined string.
  7. URL: Selects a URL with the documentation about this metric.
  8. Description: Describes a metric.
  9. Calculation: Field where one enters the CubePL expression for the derived metric. Automatic syntax check is done. If there is a syntax error, dialog highlights the place of the error and gives an error message.
  10. Calculation Init: Field where one enters the initialisation CubePL expression for the derived metric,which is executed only once after metric creation.

    Automatic syntax check is done. If there is a syntax error, dialog highlights the place of the error and gives an error message.

  11. Aggregaton "+":Prederived metrics can specify an expression for the operator "+" in the aggregation formula. In this field one can redefine it.

    Automatic syntax check is done. If there is a syntax error, dialog highlights the place of the error and gives an error message.

  12. Calculation "-": Prederived inclusive metric can specify an expression for the operator "-" in the aggregation formula. In this field one can redefine it.

    Automatic syntax check is done. If there is a syntax error, dialog highlights the place of the error and gives an error message.

  13. Create metric - This button is only enabled, if all required fields are set, the metric identifier is unique and the syntax is valid. First, the new metric is checked for undefined references. Other metrics, which are referenced by the new metric and which are part of the collection are inserted automatically. These automatically inserted metrics are hidden. If all references are resolved, the dialog is closed and a new metric with the given values is created.

  14. Cancel - closes dialog without creating any metric.
  15. Share this metric with SCALASCA group - Offers you to sent the metric definition via email to the SCALASCA group, so it might be included into the library of derived metrics in the future releases. Enabled only if definition of metric is valid.

To simplify the creation of a derived metric a little bit there is a way to fill the fields of this dialog automatically.

If one prepares a file with the following syntax one can select it and open "drop" on dialog via drag'n'drop, or copy its content into clipboard and paste in the dialog.

Example of a syntax of this file:

metric type: postderived
display name: Average execution time
unique name: kenobi
description:Calculates an average execution time
# Here is the Kenobi metric
cubepl expression: metric::time(i)/metric::visits(e)
cubepl init expression:
cubepl plus expression: arg1 + arg2
cubepl minus expression: arg1 - arg2

metric type can have values: postderived, prederived_exclusive or prederived_inclusive.

  1. Remove metric Removes metric from the metric-tree, if it is not used by other metrics.
  2. Edit metric It offers a dialog to edit expressions (standard, initialisation, aggregation) of a derived metric. Enabled if selected metric is a derived metric. Window for editing is same like in "Create derived metric" case.

Cube Writer Library    Copyright © 1998–2022 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Copyright © 2009–2015 German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH, Laboratory for Parallel Programming