SIONlib  1.7.7
Scalable I/O library for parallel access to task-local files
Generic API

SIONlib generic API

Date: 5.09.2013


The generic API of SIONlib is designed to implement a user-defined SIONlib parallel API. This new feature of SIONlib enables also SIONlib for those application, not using one of the SIONlib standard communication layers like MPI, OpenMP, or hybrid (MPI+OpenMP).

SIONlib requires only a few communication functions to collect and distributed meta-data information during open- and close-call among the parallel tasks. Most of these communication functions are collective operation like bcast, gather, or scatter.

Communications Groups

According to the existing SIONlib standard communication layer, SIONlib uses two different groups of tasks:

  • Global
    • This communication group includes all tasks which will be part of the SIONlib file operation (e.g. MPI_COMM_WORLD).
  • Local
    • SIONlib uses this communination group to collect those tasks which accesses same physical file.

A data structure has to be defined and allocated for the global commgroup before sion_open call and a pointer to the data structure has to be passed to sion_open as a parameter.

The local commgroup has to be created during sion file open. Therefore, a callback function fore create and free such a commgroup has to be registered. The callback functions for communication will get a pointer to one of these commgroup data structures afterwards as a parameter.

SIONlib uses both commgroups for communication: the global commgroup for example to collect and distribute task-to-file mapping information. The local commgroup will be used to collect and distribute file meta information (e.g. chunksizes). Callback functions are therefore required to be able to perform the implemented communication operation on both commgroup.

The second, local communication group will be defined by SIONlib according to the parameters filenumber, numfiles, lrank and lsize given by each task to the sion_generic_paropen call. For the definition of the commgroup SIONlib also uses a callback function internally, which has to create the commgroup and store the data into the corresponding data structure.


  • The communination groups are not dynamic. This means, the communication groups must not be changed after a file is opened.


For using the generic SIONlib API the following steps are required:

Definition phase

  • Definition of callback functions and commgroups
  • Registration of callback functions and commgroups

I/O-operation phase

  • Parallel open of SIONlib file
  • I/O-operations (read/write, ..)
  • Parallel close of SIONlib file

Overview SIONlib generic functions

  • Create new api:

    aid = sion_generic_create_api(char *name)

    The only parameter of this function is a name for that API which will be used in debugging messages for example.

    Return parameter is an integer value containing an API descriptor.

  • Free new api:
    sion_generic_free_api(int aid)
    Frees internal data structures for this API.
  • Register callbacks to create and free local communication group
    sion_generic_register_create_local_commgroup_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    sion_generic_register_free_local_commgroup_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    See call back function description below for the interface of the required call back functions (create_lcg_cb).
  • Register callbacks for communication:
    sion_generic_register_barrier_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    sion_generic_register_bcastr_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    sion_generic_register_gatherr_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    sion_generic_register_scatterr_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    sion_generic_register_gathervr_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    sion_generic_register_scattervr_cb(int aid, <fnct pointer> );
    See call back function description below for the interface of the required call back functions.
  • File open:
    char *fname,
    const char *file_mode,
    sion_int64 *chunksize,
    sion_int32 *fsblksize,
    void *gcommgroup,
    int grank,
    int gsize,
    int *filenumber,
    int *numFiles,
    int *lrank,
    int *lsize,
    FILE **fileptr,
    char **newfname);
    int sion_generic_paropen(int aid, const char *fname, const char *file_mode, sion_int64 *chunksize, sion_int32 *fsblksize, void *gcommgroup, int grank, int gsize, int *filenumber, int *numfiles, const int *lrank, const int *lsize, FILE **fileptr, char **newfname)
    Open a sion file a generic interface.
    Definition: sion_generic.c:351
    • WRITE-Mode
      • The parameter gcommgroup, grank, gsize, filenumber, numfiles, lrank, lsize are input parameter. However these have to be defined as variables and initialized before call.
    • READ-Mode
      • grank, gsize are input parameter
      • filenumber, numfiles, lrank, lsize are output parameter and will be read from SIONlib file meta data
      • The data container of the SIONlib file (chunks) from file will be mapped to tasks according to the order given by the global commgroup.
  • File open: (mapped)

    int sion_generic_paropen_mapped(int aid,
    char *fname,
    const char *file_mode,
    int *numFiles,
    void *gcommgroup,
    int grank,
    int gsize,
    int *nlocaltasks,
    int **globalranks,
    sion_int64 **chunksizes,
    int **mapping_filenrs,
    int **mapping_lranks,
    sion_int32 *fsblksize,
    FILE **fileptr );
    int sion_generic_parclose_mapped(int sid);


    • each task specifies a set of globalranks which should opened on this task
    • nlocaltasks gives the number of these globalranks
    • globalranks is a array containing these globalranks
    • chunksize is a array containing the chunksize for each globalrank which is locally opened
    • mapping_filenrs and mapping_lranks are arrays and contain the filenumber and the local rank in the file for each globalrank which is locally opened
    • WRITE-Mode
      • The parameter gcommgroup, grank, gsize, numFiles, nlocaltasks, globalranks, chunksizes, mapping_filenrs, mapping_lranks, fsblksize are input parameters. However these have to be defined as variables and initialized before call.
    • READ-Mode
      • The parameter gcommgroup, grank, gsize, numfiles, nlocaltasks, globalranks are input parameter.
  • File close:
  • File reinit:
    sion_generic_parreinit(sid, ...)

Callbacks API

  • Data types
    • _SION_INT32: signed int 32 bit
    • _SION_INT64: signed int 64 bit
    • _SION_CHAR: character
  • create_lcg_cb:
    int create_lcg_cb(void** local_commgroup,
    void* global_commgroup,
    int grank,
    int gsize,
    int lrank,
    int lsize,
    int filenumber,
    int numfiles)
    • creates data structures (commgroup) for local communication group
    • only local_commgroup is output parameter: pointer to new data structure
    • will be called as soon as all information is available (e.g. after read of mapping during paropen)
  • free_lcg_cb:
    int free_lcg_cb(void *local_commgroup)
    • free data structure which local_commgroup points on
  • Barrier:
    int sion_barrier_cb_sample(void* commgroup)
    • performs a barrier on all tasks described with commdata (local or global)
    • blocks until all processes have reached this routine
  • Bcast:
    int sion_bcastr_cb_sample(void* data,
    void* commgroup,
    int datatype,
    int nelem,
    int root)
    • performs a broadcast operation from task <root> to all other tasks described with commdata (local or global)
    • replicates data on <root> at memory position <*data> of size <nelem> to memory position <*data> of all other tasks
  • Gather:
    int sion_gatherr_cb_sample(void* indata,
    void* outdata,
    void* commgroup,
    int datatype,
    int nelem,
    int root)
    • performs a gather operation on all tasks described with commdata (local or global)
    • collects nelem of data type <datatype> from each tasks from memory at *indata and stores data of tasks on task <root> in memory at position *outdata
    • nelem has same the value on each task, outdata is the of size <nelem> * <ntasks>
    • on <root> indata and outdata are not overlapping
  • Gatherv:
    int sion_gathervr_cb_sample(void* indata,
    void* outdata,
    void* commdata,
    int datatype,
    int* count,
    int nelem,
    int root)
    • performs a gather operation on all tasks described with commdata (local or global)
    • collects nelem of data type <datatype> from each tasks from memory at *indata and stores data of tasks on task <root> in memory at position *outdata
    • nelem can be different among tasks (or zero), size of outdata is sum of <nelem> on each task
    • count is an array containing the number of elems per task, this array will only to be provided on <root>, otherwise NULL
    • on <root> indata and outdata are not overlapping
  • Scatter:
    int sion_scatter_cb_sample(void* indata,
    void* outdata,
    void* commgroup,
    int datatype,
    int nelem,
    int root)
    • performs a scatter operation on all tasks described with commgroup (local or global)
    • distributes nelem of data type <datatype> to each tasks from memory at *indata+offset on task <root> and stores data in memory at position *outdata
    • nelem has same value on each task, indata is of size <nelem> * <ntasks>
    • on <root> indata and outdata are not overlapping
  • Scatterv:
    int sion_scatterv_cb_sample(void* indata,
    void* outdata,
    void* commgroup,
    int datatype,
    int* count,
    int nelem,
    int root)
    • performs a scatter operation on all tasks described with commgroup (local or global)
    • distributes nelem of data type <datatype> to each tasks from memory at *indata+offset on task <root> and stores data in memory at position *outdata
    • count is an array containing the number of elems per task, this array must only be provided on <root>, otherwise NULL
    • nelem can be different among tasks (or zero), size of indata is sum of <nelem> on each task
    • on <root> indata and outdata are not overlapping


An example can be found in the parallel test section of the SIONlib distribution:

  • <topdir>/test/serial/test_genapi_1.c (generic API, only create and link test)
  • <topdir>/test/parallel/test_genapi_1.c (generic API)
  • <topdir>/test/parallel/test_genapi_2.c (generic mapped API)

The example defines a SIONlib generic API and performs some I/O tests with the new API. Internally the API uses MPI to implement the communication operations.

ToDos & Open Issues

  • Testing ...
  • The default parallel interface for MPI implements some special collective write/read operation which requires internally some point-to-point operation. To use these collective write operation from within the generic interface of SIONlib, two new callback functions have to be defined and registered (send/recv). The definition of these callbacks will be optional. If not defined, the generic collective read and write functions will then use the non-collective SIONlib write/read operations internally.
  • Implementation of the generic versions of sion_paropen_mapped ...