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The public version of LLview can be downloaded from GitHub. It currently contains a simplified workload including all the necessary scripts and plugins for a basic functioning. This version does not include:

  • Client (Live view)
  • Plugins other than Slurm
  • Logger (module that collects LLview's access metrics)

These features will be added in future updates.

Software Structure

As an HPC monitoring tool, LLview needs to (1) collect and (2) process the data from the system, and then (3) present them to the end-user. These three components are usually done in three separate places:

  • Collection of data: This is done (partly) on the HPC system to be monitored, where the user running LLview must have permissions to information of all jobs. This part is called Remote on LLview.
  • Processing of data: Data is processed (and extra metrics may be also collected) every minute for all running jobs. To avoid perturbing the nodes of the HPC system, this is usually done in a separate server. This part is called Server on LLview.
  • Presentation of data: The information is presented to the end-user as a web portal. Therefore, a separate Web Server is recommended. The portal is based on the Jülich Reporting Interface JURI.

Installation Instructions

The three components mentioned above need to be installed in that order, as each depends on data from the previous one. The installation instructions are then separated for each of the parts:

  1. Remote
  2. Server
  3. JURI