SIONlib  2.0.0-rc.3
Scalable I/O library for parallel access to task-local files
Installation, debugging and error messages

Installing SIONlib

SIONlib uses CMake to generate its build system and requires CMake version 3.12 or newer. Configuring and generating a build system, starting from the package root directory looks like this:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ [CC=<compiler>] cmake .. [-D<option>=<value> ...]

Build and install settings can be influenced via options that are either generic for CMake generated build systems or specific to the SIONlib project.

Option Description
CC (Environment variable) C compiler to use for the build
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Installation directory (default: platform specific)
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Build configuration (default: Release)
CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE Build position-independent code (default: ON)
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Build shared libraries (default: OFF)
<dependency>_ROOT Tell CMake where to look for a dependency
SIONlib_MPI Build the MPI parallel interface (default: ON)
SIONlib_OMP Build the OpenMP parallel interface (default: ON)
SIONlib_OMPI Build the MPI+OpenMP hybrid parallel interface (default: ON)
SIONlib_PARUTILS Build parallel benchmarking utilities (default: ON)
SIONlib_HINTS_GPFS Provide hints to GPFS about file system usage (default: ON)
SIONlib_IME_NATIVE Build a back-end that uses the DDN IME native client library (default: OFF)
SIONlib_DEBUG Enable support for printing debug trace messages (default: OFF, ON for "Debug" config)

On systems where multiple compilers are available, you can select which one to use via the CC environment variable, e.g. CC=gcc. Similarly, the MPI library can be selected via the MPI_ROOT option, e.g. -DMPI_ROOT=/opt/mpich-3.3.2.

Like MPI, CMake also tries to detect all of SIONlib's other dependencies. If it has trouble finding something, you can help by specifying the <dependency>_ROOT option, e.g. -DIMENative_ROOT=/usr/local.

To build SIONlib run the following command (still inside the build directory):

$ cmake --build .

Optionally, the test suite can be run. This uses CTest, which comes with CMake:

$ ctest [--output-on-failure]

This always runs tests for the serial interface. If the parallel interfaces are enabled, they are also tested. CMake tries to guess how to run MPI parallel programs (with the mpiexec command). On some systems, these settings have to be edited in tests/parallel/mpirun.defs.

Finally, to install SIONlib, run:

$ cmake --build . --target install

Using SIONlib

There are two ways of propagating SIONlib's usage requirements to downstream projects. The first is CMake's native "package" format that works with the CMake find_package command. The second is the legacy sionconfig utility that mimics the more common pkg-config utility.

CMake package

The CMake build system along with the binary and library files installs a "CMake package". This is a set of files that can be used from other projects using a CMake based build system through the find_package command, e.g.:

# In other project's CMakeLists.txt
find_package(SIONlib 2.0.0 REQUIRED)

If found, the package provides imported targets for all installed libraries and executables: SIONlib::serial[_mt], SIONlib::generic[_mt], SIONlib::mpi[_mt], SIONlib::omp[_mt], SIONlib::ompi[_mt], SIONlib::dump, SIONlib::defrag, SIONlib::split, SIONlib::cat, SIONlib::version, SIONlib::partest, SIONlib::ompi_partest. The _mt suffix on the library target marks libraries that use Pthreads mutexes as a fallback locking mechanism.

Optional parts of SIONlib like the MPI parallel interface can either be checked for after the call to find_package

find_package(SIONlib 2.0.0 REQUIRED)
if(TARGET SIONlib::mpi)

or their presence can be required using a "component" of the same name when calling find_package:

find_package(SIONlib 2.0.0 REQUIRED

A specific SIONlib interface can be used by linking the library target, e.g.:

# In other project's CMakeLists.txt
target_link_library(<target> PRIVATE SIONlib::serial)

Legacy pkg-config style utility program

SIONlib historically has shipped with a program sionconfig that mimics the pkg-config utility by printing compiler and linker flags suitable for using various interfaces of SIONlib. Use of sionconfig is deprecated and should be replaced by the CMake style package described above. sionconfig can be used as follows:

Usage: sionconfig
Print compiler and linker flags SIONlib.
(--com|--ser|--omp|--mpi|--ompi|--gen) select SIONlib API
(--cflags|--libs|--path) select output of sionconfig
[--c|--f77|--f90|--cxx] Language selection
[-V|--version|-h] Version, Help


LDFLAGS += `sionconfig --libs --mpi`
CFLAGS += `sionconfig --cflags --mpi`

Debugging SIONlib I/O

If SIONlib is compiled with -DSIONlib_DEBUG=ON or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug the library supports debugging of SIONlib related I/O events. There are four environment variables steering SIONlib debugging:

  • SION_DEBUG=<file>
    • Enables debugging, debug messages will be written to <file>. stdout or stderr are also possible.
  • SION_DEBUG_MASK=<mask>
    • Sets binary mask for selecting debug messages. The mask works bitwise, following debugging messages levels can be selected, by adding levels to the mask:

      mask description
      1 sion user function entries and exits
      2 sion internal function entries and exits
      8 high frequently called sion user function entries and exits
      16 high frequently called sion internal function entries and exits
      32 internal steps of sion internal function
      64 internal steps of sion user function
      128 timings (top level)
      256 timings (low level)
      512 print filedesc structure contents
      2048 higher frequently called sion internal function (internal steps)

      Since it is used as bitmask the values have to be bitwise 'or'ed which for powers of 2 is identical to adding them.


      • 65 = 1 + 64 enables messages for enter and exit events of user functions and debugging of internal steps of SIONlib user functions
      • 1023 = 1 + 2 + ... + 512 shows all lower level debug messages including timings (since 4 is not used 1019 would do the same)
  • SION_DEBUG_RANK1=<rank>
    • Selects first rank of parallel program for printing debug messages. Rank number will be appended to filename specified in SION_DEBUG.
  • SION_DEBUG_RANK2=<rank>
    • Selects second rank of parallel program for printing debug messages. Rank number will be appended to filename specified in SION_DEBUG.

Error messages of SIONlib

There are different level of error message levels (SION_ERROR_RETURN, SION_ERROR_WARN, SION_ERROR_ABORT and SION_ERROR_UNKNOWN). Depending on the level a warning message will be printed, the corresponding call will be returned with 0 or negative return code, or the program will be aborted. To limit the messages to one rank of a parallel program following environment variable could be set:

    • selects one rank of parallel program for printing warning/error messages.